I forgot to tell you guys that I have a hydration backpack that my 90ci tank just fits in, I was wondering if I had a small backpack instead of my fanny pack and remembered that I had a 2L Hydration pac that I had from Mule Deer Archery hunting out in the Dakota Badlands, so I got it out grabbed my 90ci tank and it just fits, now I have another way to carry the tank when I go out hunting, I still need to see how much water I can put in it and still be comfortable.
Just thought I would share this little tid bit with you all.
"marcella69"I keep impressing upon my son the importance of getting his tuchus right out to my apartment upon notification of my demise. There is a treasure trove of cash and prizes here!
My children pretty much now who's getting what with my stuff,besides my wife will be getting everything if she is still living. If there is a issue with anything then they will need to sell and split 50/50 what they get from it. We've gone over all of this with the children and they understand,plus the will states the same but in your language hahaha...
The sad thing is that my son is not into the shooting arts, even though he's a career military man. But, he is a Finance/MBA type so he will know the market.
"Imold"The last 21 years I've been pretty lucky with ups usps out here,the only time they will not leave something is if it's a signature required package, plus I have a drop spot for packages if I'm not home....
I wouldn't trust USPS to deliver a postcard! The delivery of my RAW (UPS) is getting dangerously close to being on one of the two days I will be in town sitting for the State Bar Exam. If that turns out to be the case, I will just pick her up at the UPS Store.
Good move.
How long does it take to know if you pass the State Bar Exam?
We're getting dangerously close to getting our wrists slapped by Michael for not limiting our posts to airgun-related topics. But since I mentioned "airgun" in this post and it's a natural thread progression in an initially-airgun-related topic, I guess it might fly;-).

That's a good question, actually; and quite timely. This will be the first exam under the new format (after several decades). The exam is now only two days instead of three (12.5 hrs instead of 18 hrs). It used to take three and a half months to get the results. I'm hoping that period will be tightened-up now, but I doubt it. It certainly hasn't reduced the fee for the exam!
"marcella69"I keep impressing upon my son the importance of getting his tuchus right out to my apartment upon notification of my demise. There is a treasure trove of cash and prizes here!
My children pretty much now who's getting what with my stuff,besides my wife will be getting everything if she is still living. If there is a issue with anything then they will need to sell and split 50/50 what they get from it. We've gone over all of this with the children and they understand,plus the will states the same but in your language hahaha...
The sad thing is that my son is not into the shooting arts, even though he's a career military man. But, he is a Finance/MBA type so he will know the market.
Nothing wrong with that, he will know what to get for the items and can turn around and re-invest the money he makes off the items and expand his portfolio...Win Win...
"Imold"I forgot to tell you guys that I have a hydration backpack that my 90ci tank just fits in, I was wondering if I had a small backpack instead of my fanny pack and remembered that I had a 2L Hydration pac that I had from Mule Deer Archery hunting out in the Dakota Badlands, so I got it out grabbed my 90ci tank and it just fits, now I have another way to carry the tank when I go out hunting, I still need to see how much water I can put in it and still be comfortable.
Just thought I would share this little tid bit with you all.
My Omega 12 cu-ft 4,500 psi tank fits secure in a pocket of my Eberlestock Gunslinger II rifle scabbard/backpack.
"marcella69"See, there is a method to my madness in being faithful to only one gun at a time; I don't get my components mixed up!
A lot of truth in that line.

I did the same thing with quite a few of my PB's but used Those plastic ammo boxes, made going to the range a lot easier.
Well, at this point, I'd need an app on my phone just to keep my coding straight!
To me it's all related to airguns, sure we get side tracked but it happens we're human,as long as we stay on subject which is airguns and related topics weather building a range,different equipment or how our health effects us and our shooting it should be good, I'm sure there are a lot of air gunners that had to give up years of PB's and pick up a airgun to keep doing what they like to do, so through our conversations about airguns,health and daily life maybe someone who isn't sure about this hobby will chime in knowing there are folks that have had or still have issues and have learned to overcome these obstacles to stay in the shooting sport, we just happen to be RAW owners.
Some folks can't carry a lot of things with them to go shooting due to health reasons but if through general conversation we can show them how to get on the bench without a bunch of bags,ammo cans full of stuff or out hunting it's a win win as far as I'm concerned.
"mytyt"I bought four tins of JSB exact king heavies, 33.95 gr for my .25, i weighed them on a frankford arsenal digital scale. the pellets weight varied between the four tins from 33.3gr all the way up to 35.2 gr. does that sound right?
Same scale I have, I have a tin of those for my .25 Marauder but haven't tried them yet, another pellet to weight out now, it just keeps getting better and better hahaha...35.2 sounds high for a JSB pellet that should be 33.9 or 34, that's a big jump, I did read where a guy bought a few tins of JSB,s and had big weight differences in pellets, he said a couple tins had a duller color Red on the cover and had the biggest difference over The brighter colored Red tin which seemed to me more consistent in weight. Just a FYI..
"marcella69"See, there is a method to my madness in being faithful to only one gun at a time; I don't get my components mixed up!
A lot of truth in that line.

I did the same thing with quite a few of my PB's but used Those plastic ammo boxes, made going to the range a lot easier.
Well, at this point, I'd need an app on my phone just to keep my coding straight!
Yikes!! I bet if you look hard enough someplace out there you will find a app.......just seems like there's a app for everything nowadays.
"mytyt"I bought four tins of JSB exact king heavies, 33.95 gr for my .25, i weighed them on a frankford arsenal digital scale. the pellets weight varied between the four tins from 33.3gr all the way up to 35.2 gr. does that sound right?
Well, that's a heck of a spread. But, I can't form an informed statistical opinion with what you've told me. I'd have to have a representative sample size first (usually > 10% of the population size). Then a valid standard deviation can be calculated. Further, each pellet in the sample must be visually inspected to remove outliers.

How many pellets are in a tin of JSB 33.95 gr Heavies? How many pellets did you weigh per tin? Were any of the pellets you weighed defective? What is the precision of your scale? (i.e., 0.001 g, 0.0001 g)
I was looking in my ammo box for the .357 polymags I bought to see about removing the tip and weighting one with and without the tip and when I found the only tin of polymags I have they were for my .25, I could of swore I bought a tin for the BullDog .357... Guess I need to put in another pellet order with a tin of polymags for the .357 and put these in the .25 ammo box Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
"Imold"I was looking in my ammo box for the .357 polymags I bought to see about removing the tip and weighting one with and without the tip and when I found the only tin of polymags I have they were for my .25, I could of swore I bought a tin for the BullDog .357... Guess I need to put in another pellet order with a tin of polymags for the .357 and put these in the .25 ammo box Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
I'm glad I didn't remove all the tips in my tin of .35 cal Polymags or I wouldn't have been able to make a comparison!
"Imold"I just wanted to do like 5 of each and see what the difference was, glad this came up or I'd be thinking I had 35's up to receiving my RAW then I would of been really mad at myself but at least now I can get some ordered just for the .357......The 25 tin was in with my 35 tins in the 35 ammo box not the 25 ammo box..See I am loosing it.....
You better get that stuff straight. (Although I don't know how a .25 could ever be confused with a .35!)
"Imold"I just wanted to do like 5 of each and see what the difference was, glad this came up or I'd be thinking I had 35's up to receiving my RAW then I would of been really mad at myself but at least now I can get some ordered just for the .357......The 25 tin was in with my 35 tins in the 35 ammo box not the 25 ammo box..See I am loosing it.....
You better get that stuff straight. (Although I don't know how a .25 could ever be confused with a .35!)
Tin size and I probably didn't have my glasses on....