Dear Friends, 

How many shots do you get out of following RAW guns using 480cc bottle ?

HM1000X .25 60ftlb version

HM1000X .25 normal version 

HM1000X .22 50 ftlb version

HM1000X .22 normal version 

.25 cal 60 fpe I get about 50 shots before falling off the regulator.

I seem to recall about the same with 50 fpe .25 cal as well.

Bored today... so wrapped my air reservoir on the TM-1000 w/ C.F. Wrap, think it’s a pretty good match?
Hi guys shot my first strings this morning with no issues .man was i smiling the hole time i went inside to grab another sweatshirt and my wonderful wife says to me look at you .i havent seen that smile in over 2 months ..what a relief i wasnt sure id ever shoot another rifle again .(a scary thought when its a daily activitiy that we all enjoy)so i wasnt able to read anything with out intense pain in my left eye .2 visits to the eye doctor.im told it was from the concussion i received in the mva ..well someone is looking down and out for me .a.as luck would have it .i had a random no heat call at a medical office .so i do my thing and am packing up to leave .the building is managed by a property management company.and the guy val i always meet to let me into the buildings i work on is asking where i been .so i tell him my eye situation and how its been slow to feel better well as i was leaving he says hold on someone wants to see you so we walk up stairs next i know im in a chair with this eye doctor looking in my eye not two minutes into him looking in my eyes he says i got good and bad news the bad is the right eye is turning from the disease ambliopia i was born with this was not news my wife has also been telling me this.the good is after i take the the glass out of the crner of your eye you will start to feel better ..yahoo and i do .reading is no problem.any more so men and ladies im glad this thread of OURS will keep on keeping on pat

Great news Pat,

Happy to hear things are going well.
Dear Friends, 

How many shots do you get out of following RAW guns using 480cc bottle ?

HM1000X .25 60ftlb version

HM1000X .25 normal version 

HM1000X .22 50 ftlb version

HM1000X .22 normal version 

.25 cal 60 fpe I get about 50 shots before falling off the regulator.

I seem to recall about the same with 50 fpe .25 cal as well.


Thanks Sean
Hi guys shot my first strings this morning with no issues .man was i smiling the hole time i went inside to grab another sweatshirt and my wonderful wife says to me look at you .i havent seen that smile in over 2 months ..what a relief i wasnt sure id ever shoot another rifle again .(a scary thought when its a daily activitiy that we all enjoy)so i wasnt able to read anything with out intense pain in my left eye .2 visits to the eye doctor.im told it was from the concussion i received in the mva ..well someone is looking down and out for me .a.as luck would have it .i had a random no heat call at a medical office .so i do my thing and am packing up to leave .the building is managed by a property management company.and the guy val i always meet to let me into the buildings i work on is asking where i been .so i tell him my eye situation and how its been slow to feel better well as i was leaving he says hold on someone wants to see you so we walk up stairs next i know im in a chair with this eye doctor looking in my eye not two minutes into him looking in my eyes he says i got good and bad news the bad is the right eye is turning from the disease ambliopia i was born with this was not news my wife has also been telling me this.the good is after i take the the glass out of the crner of your eye you will start to feel better ..yahoo and i do .reading is no problem.any more so men and ladies im glad this thread of OURS will keep on keeping on pat

Wow Pat-I just read this full post! Glad he saw the glass in your eye and removed it! Great to have you back here with us again! So glad you are able to keep shooting too. 

I just put together an indoor 20 yard range down in my basement so I can now shoot whenever I want. Its great to not worry about wind, weather or daylight now-can simply shoot and relax from a stressful day as a parent and at work!

Oh yeah, I can relate to the eye muscle issue also-but that’s a story for PM or texts...

 ,I feel i been absent for years ,i been reading older posts ,well you guys are putting together some fantastic rigs .i may be a fan of reading THE RAW REPORT ,but i have become a giant fan of the men and women who share and care for one another ,making our thread a special one for me thanks everyone,for the kindness ,thoughts and prayers ,your friend pat ,

Great to see you back Pat! Glad the eye issue could be resolved on the left eye.


I just looked comparing apples to apples it would be around 75 shots but the E.S was horrible as it was around 35 fps and falling of the regulator. After Mark was done not only is it shooting 118 shots but the E.S. is 13 fps. and if I lower my shot count into the sweet spot it is 83 shots at an E.S. of 7 fps! I have been quoting 9 fps but I just checked my graphs and found I have been underplaying the results.


Great to see you back Pat! Glad the eye issue could be resolved on the left eye.


I just looked comparing apples to apples it would be around 75 shots but the E.S was horrible as it was around 35 fps and falling of the regulator. After Mark was done not only is it shooting 118 shots but the E.S. is 13 fps. and if I lower my shot count into the sweet spot it is 83 shots at an E.S. of 7 fps! I have been quoting 9 fps but I just checked my graphs and found I have been underplaying the results.

Thanks Terrymc
check out Raw face book page.... i tried to send the pix here no luck... there are two new color schemes grey yellow and grey blue .so there u go ...the blue and grey is beautiful ,,, i may have to join u on those colors imold,,,i told sandra i wanted a 35 cal ,,,wavering a little,,, may go 25 cal to go with my 30 cal grey

Hi Pat,

My RAW HM1000 LRT in 25 caliber has finally been shipped I should have it this Thursday. I got the blue/grey stockand to start with I’m just going to but a Discovery VT-T 6-24x50 FFP scope on it. But I may switch over to another if I’m not happy with it. I usually sight my bench rifles to 50 yards and then use the reticle to adjust for other distances. I’ll just cleared out my voice mail and saw that I had some old messages from you that I never picked up on so I’ll give you a call later today.
RAW HM1000X barrel indexed



What distance did you shoot the target at when indexing your barrel? I'm planning to index mine tonight. I'm guessing it doesn't matter, but wanted to know if I should be doing it up closer than 20 yards like I was planning to do in my basement.


I did it at 24 yards. 

I hope it Will help.
Don't shoot the messenger ..... at 20 yards and no wind ... SINGLE HOLE is what you should be getting.

Pellet barrel speed combo is not happy IMO.

Have seen and personally shot similar group sizes with my TM-1000 using JSB 14.43 monsters at 50 yards ! Not a brag, just some reality on what many others know and get on a regular basis.

i don't think you have ever indexed a barrel

if you had you would know there is only 1 in a 1000 barrels that will shoot a single hole while being indexed

the smallest dia i have ever seen was about 3" at 18 yrds but i have only indexed maybe 2 dozen barrels


Don't shoot the messenger ..... at 20 yards and no wind ... SINGLE HOLE is what you should be getting.

Pellet barrel speed combo is not happy IMO.

Have seen and personally shot similar group sizes with my TM-1000 using JSB 14.43 monsters at 50 yards ! Not a brag, just some reality on what many others know and get on a regular basis.

Thanks Umair-I appreciate the information.


Thanks for the comments. I suspect Scott was referring to my group sizes being single hole-not the indexing diameter itself (I may be wrong).


Thanks for the comments and experience. I think there are a number of reasons my groups aren't as 'tiny' as they can be (yet). Here are some of them: 1) I just received the gun and am still getting to know it, 2) I have a Hawke 6-24 ffp scope on the gun (can't afford a true 'BR' scope just yet) at it's max magnification, and it's out of windage adjustment 3) I'm having some issues getting consistent eye placement behind the scope and suspect I'm getting some slight parallax errors when shooting, 4) I'm using un-sorted, un-weighed, un-inspected JSB 13.43 grain pellets-straight out of the tin.

I generally see single hole groups (maybe in the 0.060" ctc size range) and then will get a shot where the group opens up and I notice my eye alignment wasn't quite correct.

Question: generally when indexing a barrel you want to select the 12 o'clock position, correct? It seems like there were other rotational orientations where the barrel was shooting a single hole (2 shot) group-should I be using one of those locations even though it's not perfectly vertical? If I did, I would probably use the spot marked #2 due to the single hole nature and fact that I can gain back some windage adjustment in the scope and get it off from being nearly maxed out laterally.

Thanks for your feedback guys.


Update: I found an interesting thread on the topic of barrel indexing here that is pertinent to Airgun barrel indexing. I haven't read the whole thread yet, but have already learned a good deal. I also note that (so far) they didn't mention to lock down the barrel set screws in between making rotational adjustments. You're welcome for gaining from my pain...

Question: I understand tuning for the vertical plane based on the forum topic. Why 12 o'clock vs 6 o'clock? I suspect its for elevation gain with pellet drop. I'm asking because I'm nearly at one extreme of my scope's elevation adjustment and would be closer to the 'middle' if I went with the 6 o'clock position. This scope has FX no limits mounts on it so I can gain more vertical if needed with the mounts.
