Out of 4 lots one might show promise?
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Hey Guys,
Now the Christmas is over, I wonder how the New AF version RAW HM1000x's are selling?
I haven't heard of one person buying/receiving one lately?
Hey Guys,
Now the Christmas is over, I wonder how the New AF version RAW HM1000x's are selling?
I haven't heard of one person buying/receiving one lately?
I placed an order for a .22 with PA over the phone. Really helpful woman who assisted me with my order and when I ordered (about 2 weeks ago), she thought the rifle would be in stock around 1/27. However, I just noticed on PA's website that the availability on PA's page for the blue .22 HM1000X LRT is now 4/27. Whether that means I'll be waiting 3 months for my rifle or if perhaps my rifle will be ready before then, I don't know. I did email RAW about when rifles might be available through PA before I placed my order and was told to contact PA and ask them.
Regardless, I'm looking forward to receiving my order when it and the other items are in stock.
Thanks for the suggestion, Ranchibi. If I can't get my order filled through PA (who've treated me well in the past), I'll look to SPAW. I have seen their website.
I'm curious to see (hear) how well the new Acoustic Baffle system works on the RAW. According to what I've seen and read from RAW, the Acoustic Baffle is being used on all rifles produced since early/mid December of 2020. That means that the rifle I receive would have that system installed.
Good shooting with your RAW. I wish you many great hours of enjoyment with it.
I finally got a chance to shoot the new HM1000x over the weekend. It's tuned to shoot at 19fpe and is set up for hunter field target. The JSB 10.3 pellets seem to be the most accurate. They produce 1/2" groups at 40 yards with no wind, shooting at 900fps. Does this sound about right? I was hoping for closer to 1/4" accuracy at this range.
I really wanted the Monsters to work out but they fell apart past 30 yards. I've found that the groups open up from 1/2" at 30 yards to well over 1" at 40 yards. Through the scope, it looks like they become unstable and start to spiral. This is with them shooting right at 800fps. I just think this is too slow for a poly barrel.
I have one question about the poly barrels, as this is my first one. The crown appears to be totally rounded off, and not sharp like a normal rifled barrel. Is this normal?
Hey Pat, did you notice - 292 pages! Your monster lives. Uj
I think I've finally got the RAW dialed in. I found out that shooting the Original Monsters at 800fps are more accurate than the 10'3s at 900fps. However, I have to clean the barrel after every 60 - 100 shots in order to maintain the accuracy. I would have thought that the poly barrels would be less likely to fowl up??? Below are a few examples of what I'm getting.
Also, I get quite a bit of muzzle jump after a shot. (There is no muzzle jump if I fire the rifle without a pellet.) Is there a way to reduce this? Does it mean that too much air is being used? I'd be surprised if this is the case because the hammer spring is set soooo light. I barely feel any tension when cocking the rifle. It does slightly affect accuracy. I get noticeably better groups if the rifle is barely supported as opposed to a medium or firm grip on the rifle. Just curious...