Raw 5 shot groups 48 yards_zpstftl0z5v.1646278571.jpg
Raw 230 Bar Fill Shot String 2 .1646278571.jpg

I'm considering letting this beauty go. I moved last July and no longer have an easy place to shoot it. The groups were shot at my old back yard range which maxed out at 48 yards, but it is deadly accurate well beyond that range. Martin custom built this one for me several years ago. I have the original invoice somewhere. The barrel is 2" shorter than the standard RAW HM barrel, but it will still easily and accurately make 40 ft/lbs. It was tuned by Martin about a year ago and has barely been out of its case since. It's by far the best air rifle I've owned, and I've owned most of them. I'm posting here rather than the classifieds because I haven't quite convinced myself to part with her. It currently has an Arken SH-4 Gen II scope on it (not the one pictured). If someone who appreciates original RAW quality and precision is interested in giving it a good home where it will see regular use, PM me and we can talk about it. Michael, if this is crossing the line by posting this in this forum please just delete it.


I have a RAW HM1000x .22 HP also and love it. Martin built it and I purchased from Ken ( SPAW) about 2-3 years ago.

Beautiful stock on your RAW. I see your shot string using the JSB 25g Redesigns at 830ish FPS. I realize you have a shorter barrel than the standard HM1000x, but I was surprised at your lower velocity and accuracy with the RDs. Mine shoots best at 935 FPS with Martin’s suggested tune with the RD. 

I’m guessing you tried a lot of HST adjustments and those groups are really good at your current 835 tune. Can you comment?
Mine is an HM1000 (not X). When I was ordering it, I told Martin I wanted maximum accuracy and his advice to was to go with a HM1000 tuned for 40 ft/lbs. Since I wasn't concerned about power for hunting (this gun is too heavy for real field use and I have lots of other tools available for hunting) I followed his advice, which as you can see was very good. The only time I've felt like more velocity would have been advantageous is at 100 yards and more when dealing with gusting wind. The trajectory at 830ish FPS is a bit loopy at that range and speed in windy conditions. I really planned to use this rifle for EBR competition which at the time topped out at 75 yards. Unfortunately I never managed to make it to EBR. I'm sure you could squeeze more power out of it, I just never had any desire to. I primarily shot it in my yard and didn't want or need more than 40 ft/lbs. The shorter barrel was purely personal preference.
Well, my TM1000 has been rendered unusable by the previous owner. I was giving her a good looking over, and she is beautiful, and found that the airtube comes completely apart when I try to unscrew the fill cap. The rifle came void of air pressure, so I was going to fill her up... Anyway, I have an email off to Martin for an appointment to drop off the rifle for a complete check up. With that said, I found some old footage of Sandra shooting (Martin spectating) at a GOB match back in 2015. She is paired with Roz Sumpter, owner of the Roz'z Hollow range that is G.O.B.:

Mine is an HM1000 (not X). When I was ordering it, I told Martin I wanted maximum accuracy and his advice to was to go with a HM1000 tuned for 40 ft/lbs. Since I wasn't concerned about power for hunting (this gun is too heavy for real field use and I have lots of other tools available for hunting) I followed his advice, which as you can see was very good. The only time I've felt like more velocity would have been advantageous is at 100 yards and more when dealing with gusting wind. The trajectory at 830ish FPS is a bit loopy at that range and speed in windy conditions. I really planned to use this rifle for EBR competition which at the time topped out at 75 yards. Unfortunately I never managed to make it to EBR. I'm sure you could squeeze more power out of it, I just never had any desire to. I primarily shot it in my yard and didn't want or need more than 40 ft/lbs. The shorter barrel was purely personal preference.

Thanks for the background. That front mechanical rest is also very nice!



Kdog, do you still own that beautiful blue TM? I love that gun!

I sure do...I actually shot it last weekend at our 25yd BR match at Sherwood Airgunners. It shot fantastic shooting a 749 with 46X combined for my three cards. The one card it had 21x count

Kdog...that one belongs in the Smithsonian it's so beautiful! LOL!
Took the big can MUFFLER and CF shroud off, have Donny fl adapter in place, just received new thicker CF shroud and waiting on moderator.

Haven’t decided if I will install new CF shroud? Shooting more consistent less flyer’s? Maybe the batch of pellets?

also have a ten groove LW barrel waiting to be installed to test my theory! ( not necessarily a great fan of the poly barrels in larger caliber’s? )
Took the big can MUFFLER and CF shroud off, have Donny fl adapter in place, just received new thicker CF shroud and waiting on moderator.

Haven’t decided if I will install new CF shroud? Shooting more consistent less flyer’s? Maybe the batch of pellets?

also have a ten groove LW barrel waiting to be installed to test my theory! ( not necessarily a great fan of the poly barrels in larger caliber’s? )

What Donny FL adapter are you using? I bought a 16mm one and it was too small. My barrel is 16.09mm in diameter???
