Have owned a Non standard TM-1000 now for what i think is 7+ years and counting. When originally ordered from Martin the supplied .177 barrel was a 12g choked standard at 19" length. It shot just ok and barrel was replaced with another 12g choked that I prepped & machined myself. It shot a lot better but still never really impressed me as thinking it was a one in a life time wizzer barrel

It shot 13.43 JSB's very well in FT matches, tho the wind drift always bit me when thinking it should not have

So ... in search of something better started shooting another PCP in .20 cal with much better overall success, which led to sourcing a few HW .20 cal barrel blanks out of the UK via Silko Sports that got fitted to the TM-1000, rifle re-tuned for >20 fpe output and HAVE NEVER LOOKED BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #2 try in .20 and it is a wizzer barrel set up and shoots simply phenomenal with JSB 13.73's @ 800 fps.
Pics when new to now .. MANY changes, modifications etc in these 7+ years. This one dies with me !!!
When shooting .177 13.43's ..... tune rifle to have a lower valve dwell and if using an LDC / shroud ? .... keep clearances larger to minimize air turblance at muzzle.
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