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Mowed and completed setting up the range,right now the closet target is about 19 yards and the farthest is the 2 - 8" gongs at 115 yards in back on the right....Now a person can sit at a different table and just shoot paper at 25-50-75 and 100 yards or sit at the picnic table and shoot gongs and spinners from 19 yards to 115 yards as I have it setup now.
"Imold"At least Trump is doing something about how bad our veterans have been taken care of, not like some other spineless person that I don't mention his name didn't care to do..I watched today about the New video link system that they have just set up for the VA system, takes time but Trump is doing things right for our Veterans that's for sure.
I wish he'd pay off my credit card bill of all airgun stuff I bought.
ordered my golf balls today got 4 , im trying to get my son to join the forum ,hes way to shy ,we kick it all day ,airguns are a great way to bond especially cause its mutual .hes out on the island getting firewood with his buds,,also ordered 4 tins polymags ,,idk you earn reward points at AGD order was$62 after coupons it was $20.01 ,,,wahoo
"Hynzie"i got a special delivery up in maine a Atlas K O bipod its ok works
That's just it.....The knock offs work,maybe a little gritty when you extend the legs but it's better then 220.00 or 319.00, I took some gig-a-lo and spayed the legs and collar and then ran the legs up and down a few times and it help some but like I said it better then paying up to 319.00 for one that looks just like the K.O....I'm happy with mine,I set it on the second grove and it fits me fine on the bench so no reason to mess with it if it works. Just like comparing a Harris 120.00 dollar bipod to a 40.00 dollar Champion, less then half the cost and functions and looks just the same...have a few of them also...
"Imold"At least Trump is doing something about how bad our veterans have been taken care of, not like some other spineless person that I don't mention his name didn't care to do..I watched today about the New video link system that they have just set up for the VA system, takes time but Trump is doing things right for our Veterans that's for sure.
I wish he'd pay off my credit card bill of all airgun stuff I bought.
Only if he used HIS money otherwise it's still our money hahaha...
"Hynzie"ordered my golf balls today got 4 , im trying to get my son to join the forum ,hes way to shy ,we kick it all day ,airguns are a great way to bond especially cause its mutual .hes out on the island getting firewood with his buds,,also ordered 4 tins polymags ,,idk you earn reward points at AGD order was$62 after coupons it was $20.01 ,,,wahoo
Nice....Just get your son to hangout over your shoulder sometime and look at the forums with you, never know he might just take to it....
"Imold"Mowed and completed setting up the range,right now the closet target is about 19 yards and the farthest is the 2 - 8" gongs at 115 yards in back on the right....Now a person can sit at a different table and just shoot paper at 25-50-75 and 100 yards or sit at the picnic table and shoot gongs and spinners from 19 yards to 115 yards as I have it setup now.
That makes me wanna cry just lookin' at it...
Find some property out in the country/sand/desert or whatever you have out there that's about 70 yards by 350 yards(5acres)and buy it then set something up, I know I know just trying to cheer ya up hahaha...Has to be some cheaper property within a hour or so drive, I know I know land isn't cheap out there just trying to help..What would be cool is if you could find a old air field or a private runway out in the country and be able to shoot on it, set up a few targets and take home with ya when your done for the day....Just ideas....I know there are a few private runways around here that are cut grass out in fields or along the sides of the field, never know what ya might come across if ya ask around or go looking.......kinda like knocking on a farmers door and asking for permission to hunt his property, sometimes ya get lucky if you don't dress up like Rambo.....
I had to go door knocking 21 years ago when I moved out here and every farmers door I knocked on and talked to said no problem, a couple just told me not to shoot the big buck walking around the property and even gave me a description of the buck than when I told them I hunted mostly does that was a game changer, they would show me where the does were or hung out in early evening.......So see anything is possible........
"Imold"Find some property out in the country/sand/desert or whatever you have out there that's about 70 yards by 350 yards(5acres)and buy it then set something up, I know I know just trying to cheer ya up hahaha...Has to be some cheaper property within a hour or so drive, I know I know land isn't cheap out there just trying to help..What would be cool is if you could find a old air field or a private runway out in the country and be able to shoot on it, set up a few targets and take home with ya when your done for the day....Just ideas....I know there are a few private runways around here that are cut grass out in fields or along the sides of the field, never know what ya might come across if ya ask around or go looking.......kinda like knocking on a farmers door and asking for permission to hunt his property, sometimes ya get lucky if you don't dress up like Rambo.....
I had to go door knocking 21 years ago when I moved out here and every farmers door I knocked on and talked to said no problem, a couple just told me not to shoot the big buck walking around the property and even gave me a description of the buck than when I told them I hunted mostly does that was a game changer, they would show me where the does were or hung out in early evening.......So see anything is possible........
I actually have found a nice place with plenty of room to range my rifle, and to hunt. The more I'm down here, the more places I discover. Push comes to shove, I can always just buy a 10 acres or so of undeveloped scrub desert. There are plenty of lots like that down here for about $15K.
"Imold"Ok so you call it Scrub desert, 10 acres for 15K sounds decent and what would tax run? 150-200.00 a year or is it higher for undeveloped land out there.
Well, that's the (sc)rub (see what I did there?), isn't it? I'd have to deal with the taxes and all the regs. After all, it is Commiefornia. Since the Great Divorce Wars of '96, I've kinda been diggin' the stress-free life of apartment livin'. I look at buying a lot as a last resort. You can Google it. It really is amazing what's available down here on the border. Hell, you might even get hit on the head by a bale of Mexican skunk weed tossed over the wall!

A lot of these properties owe back taxes and then there's the issue of liability. In this whackadoo state, I'd be liable for injuries sustained by a knucklehead who trips over his own bale of weed he just smuggled into the country while crossing the border illegally. I don't know if I want that sword of Damocles hangin' over my head.
Hey well what do you know, I went through the great divorce war of 96 too, ended in early June.......

I understand about the illegal alien thing,break their ankle in a gopher hole and it's all on you to pay their medical because it happened on your property......just like having a no trespassing sign on your property and someone comes on your property and try's to pet your dog which you have on a leash and gets bit then sues you for medical even tho they came on your property illegally and you dog was legally on a leash as law requires..Sometimes things just ain't right...cali ain't right Period......Nice state they just won't get any of my money...I need all my free cash for Airgun things including Airguns...
Did a quiet clams deed on my home for a dollar....When the Judge asked if there was anything else I told him that I wanted my Dollar for the home, my ex had to get a dollar from her layer and then hand it over to me...I thought it was funnier then heck, she didn't even have a dollar on her but she was going to be so much better without me hahaha that's what drugs will do to ya, she did finally sober up after a few years but she still a drinker....I'm way past that crap.
I just want to enjoy life and shoot my airguns.......FedEx can't get here soon enough today with my Hatsan BT65........I also need to pay 13,247.00 for the 6.4 Diesel engine swap in our F250 tomorrow,the mechanic finally got it done today.