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"Imold"Hey well what do you know, I went through the great divorce war of 96 too, ended in early June.......

I understand about the illegal alien thing,break their ankle in a gopher hole and it's all on you to pay their medical because it happened on your property......just like having a no trespassing sign on your property and someone comes on your property and try's to pet your dog which you have on a leash and gets bit then sues you for medical even tho they came on your property illegally and you dog was legally on a leash as law requires..Sometimes things just ain't right...cali ain't right Period......Nice state they just won't get any of my money...I need all my free cash for Airgun things including Airguns...
Course, I guess I could just hide ownership in a shell corporation. Man, it really would be nice to have my own little piece of paradise to hunt in peace.
This box just showed up from FedEx. Wonder what it is hahaha.
"Imold"1/8th inch doesn't give you much to counter sink screws into but if you use a size 10 or 12 beveled screw it might work.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I really didn't want to go any thicker than 1/8"; the plate will weigh 40+ lb as it is. (The bench is rated at 550 lb.) Countersinking isn't a deal-breaker. It might be heavy enough to not move around just sitting there. I could simply c-clamp it w/o drilling. A bolt head sticking up is no big deal either. The plate is 23.5" x 47.25". I might mount a vise too.