If the PA FFP would of had a 25mm tube I would of changed my order but it's a 30mm tube and the FX rings I ordered are for 25mm so I would of had to cancel two orders to redo it, I still might get the PA FFP and try it on the HMx being that it comes with a 20 moa rail from RAW, 20" at 100 yards is a big deal. That's why it's so important to get a scope with 60 up to 100 moa built in that's a 50/50 up down split, the Hawke 4-16-44 I ordered has 65 moa so with the RAWs 20 moa rail I'll have about 52 moa up or 52" to play with and with the right power Airgun that gets you out to around 250 yards..can't forget to throw in the pellet weight that will effect it also but we know that already. A extra 20 moa would of got me on target yesterday without using holdover with the BT65SB .....it's a mind game I say it's all a mind game and I lost most of mine in the late 60s and most of the 70s Bwaaahahahaha.

"But, I don’t see how that would do anything but make it worse"

stacked spring washer's naturally break in as they do move around a bit.
Maybe this helps?
(NOT an RAW)
Just like car motors or any motors really they have a break in time until they get to there greatest efficiency. Same as the regulators. I wouldn't even put it over the Chrony until you have 100 or more shots through the gun. Also realize that alot of things affect chrony readings and that little difference in lower power could be many things. Also elevation plays a role in fps readings as well.
Like I've said, just zero it in at 50-60 yards and go plink away,put 200 rounds thru it then check it with the Chrono,might be surprised at what you see, heck you might even need to put 300 pellets thru it but anyway give it time to settle in...You can then check differs fill pressures and find what it likes weather it's 2800 psi fill or only 2600 psi fill or maybe it will do best at 2900 psi but anyway you'll be having fun checking out all the different shot strings finding out the sweet spot.
"Dairyboy"Just like car motors or any motors really they have a break in time until they get to there greatest efficiency. Same as the regulators. I wouldn't even put it over the Chrony until you have 100 or more shots through the gun. Also realize that alot of things affect chrony readings and that little difference in lower power could be many things. Also elevation plays a role in fps readings as well.
Thanks for that, Dairyboy. I suppose I'll have to acquiesce to the consensus here. I'll fire a tin of JSBs through my RAW and then do the Chrony, zero, and ranging thang.

This discussion has prompted me to look at my numbers for my Daystate Pulsar and FX Impact again. I had made the assertion previously that my numbers for these two rifles had become worse as firing time went by. However, upon a closer look at the numbers; I realize now that my analysis of the results was flawed. I won't get in the weeds with the minutia, but there were other factors involved that would have a more significant effect on the numbers. For instance, I used different weights and brands of pellets with my Impact; and I only ever did one shot string with my Pulsar. It's funny how I remember things differently than what the demonstrative evidence shows! Well, as I learned in law school, eye witness testimony is the least reliable evidence. Also, your point re elevation is well taken. I live basically at sea level (20.01 ft elevation). The air resistance certainly would be higher than in Minor Hill, thereby reducing fps.

Even though I fired only six shots with my RAW that registered on my Chrony, I did notice that there was a steady increase in fps. I had acknowledged previously that only six shots was way too small a sample size to make any kind of conclusion. It appears now that once the reg settles-in, the SD will improve at a power level commensurate with that advertised.

I appreciate all the feedback I get on AGN to my inquiries. The back and forth is key to greater understanding; so thanks for that. I am always willing to manage my expectations if presented with a stronger argument.
USPS delivered my 4 tins of heavys today and my scope and mounts show they will be here tomorrow so it looks like Friday I'll be zeroing my scope and then will see what happens, also Sandra sent me a email saying she got my Trigger info over to Martin so now that's talent care of and now I wait....When I saw the email I just about thought it was going to say my HMx is on the pressure testing bench hahaha I still know it's going to be a while before I see it.
"Imold"USPS delivered my 4 tins of heavys today and my scope and mounts show they will be here tomorrow so it looks like Friday I'll be zeroing my scope and then will see what happens, also Sandra sent me a email saying she got my Trigger info over to Martin so now that's talent care of and now I wait....When I saw the email I just about thought it was going to say my HMx is on the pressure testing bench hahaha I still know it's going to be a while before I see it.
Ironically, I'm glad that Martin did not adjust my trigger. Now, I'm going to have a tricked-out workstation for all things airgun! Lemons and lemonade, right?
"Imold"I still do all my gun related stuff on the dinner table my work benches are full of other stuff been like that for years hahaha.
LOL I built a really nice work table for myself a year ago and was built so I didn't need to use the kitchen table to work on guns. Well that didn't last long as it's more like a storage table of all kinds of junk and also still use the kitchen table LOL