"Imold"Nothing a can of Cream of Mushroom soup and a few white taters can't fix yum yum.
You know, I have yet to try that recipe. I've heard good things!
It's kinda on the opposite side to Italian food,maybe add some sort of cream or cheese pasta and your good to go.
There's plenty of white sauce-based Italian dishes. Check your e-mail; I sent you an amazing Fettuccine Alfredo recipe I personally translated from my grandmother's (God Rest Her Soul) recipe card box. I'm sure braised rabbit meat would be a fine addition to the ingredients list :)
"Imold"Saved it our food folder, sounds awesome.......Now I just need my HMx to get some meat to go with it.

Dont now if I told you but my brothers wife is Sicilian and ya he eats good...
OMG, fuhgeddaboutit! I bet he does :). Well, now that I'm back in the saddle again of my hunting horse, my freezer should be full with game meat in no time. I'd like to say I'll send you some, but I'm not in the habit of making promises I can't keep!
"Hynzie"I gotta decide what to dress the wikdcat in
I just watched the AOA vid on the Wildcat (https://youtu.be/6iL3B17w1Yk). Man, that's a sweet 'lil field gun. What caliber did you get? And what do you mean "decide what to dress the wikcat [sic] in"? Do you mean the stock material? It appears to come in synthetic only. Am I wrong?

It's funny; I watched Joe W. Rhea's vid wherein he said, "Raw guns are cool in a Hummer type way , but just not my cup o tea" when I asked him why the RAW wasn't included in his video. Ha, I like that; that's about right :)

Marco they got laminate, wood. and synthetic stocks i got the synthetic 25 cal ,thanks for that adapter i will use it on the wildcat,,it came yesterday ,,the wildcat has a dovetail scope rail that needs to be replaced with a pic weaver ,,then im gonna set it up like another fellow has,, what a great job he did ,,pic rail ,,12 way bubble level,donnies florida ldc ,,atlas 3 inch bipod rail with swivel stud ,then a nice tactical strap and 3 flush mounts place at strategic points on the stock i think ill try the utg bipod and athlon first focal plane scope or SWFA scope with fx no limit rings ahhh ,that was a finger full,,lol
"Hynzie"Marco they got laminate, wood. and synthetic stocks i got the synthetic 25 cal ,thanks for that adapter i will use it on the wildcat,,it came yesterday ,,the wildcat has a dovetail scope rail that needs to be replaced with a pic weaver ,,then im gonna set it up like another fellow has,, what a great job he did ,,pic rail ,,12 way bubble level,donnies florida ldc ,,atlas 3 inch bipod rail with swivel stud ,then a nice tactical strap and 3 flush mounts place at strategic points on the stock i think ill try the utg bipod and athlon first focal plane scope or SWFA scope with fx no limit rings ahhh ,that was a finger full,,lol
Pat, I'm so glad you received the adapter. I sent it USPS with no tracking and no insurance. Whew! With that adapter, you can fit almost any moderator you're likely to encounter to your Wildcat, whether it be off-the-shelf or custom. It was a shame to just let it sit on the shelf, as I would most likely not see a need for it. I bought it in advance of fitting a Huggett Magna to my FX Impact .30, but was happy with the factory moderation. So I never bought the Magna.

It sounds like you have one heck of a rig going on there! Let me know how it turns out :). I just got finished running two complete shot strings on my RAW .357. I have not yet set-up my Excel analysis, but the two strings appear to be very consistent as far as air usage. I ran from 250 bar down to 160 bar. I got 24 shots on the first string and 23 shots on the second. Once I draft my worksheets, I will post my results as far as shot-by-shot pressure, fps, and energy; as well as average fps, average energy, spread, and SD.

I can tell you one thing: My RAW is a cannon! She actually blew several holes completely through a .22lr rimfire bullet trap! Holy maholies! (literally)
Results of complete shot string of my new RAW HM 1000x .357 (130 ft-lbf regulated) rifle after 150 pellets fired:
  • Twenty-three regulated shots per bottle fill (250 bar to 160 bar)
  • 127.58 ft-lbf (avg): Using the avg of 10 random JSB match Diabolo Exact .35 cal. pellets (80.66 gr) as measured w/ Diamond 0.005 gm digital scale
  • 843.94 fps (avg): Measured w/ Chrony Beta Master
  • SD: 15.30
I am happy with the muzzle energy; I am hoping that the SD will tighten-up as the system seasons. I stipulate that my Chrony and digital scale are not top-of-the line models, and therefore subject to error.
"marcella69"Results of complete shot string of my new RAW HM 1000x .357 (130 ft-lbf regulated) rifle after 150 pellets fired:
  • Twenty-three regulated shots per bottle fill (250 bar to 160 bar)
  • 127.58 ft-lbf (avg): Using the avg of 10 random JSB match Diabolo Exact .35 cal. pellets (80.66 gr) as measured w/ Diamond 0.005 gm digital scale
  • 843.94 fps (avg): Measured w/ Chrony Beta Master
  • SD: 15.30
I am happy with the muzzle energy; I am hoping that the SD will tighten-up as the system seasons. I stipulate that my Chrony and digital scale are not a top-of-the line models, and therefore subject to error.
All looks good and ya it will only get better.....