Just got back from the field where I went to zero my RAW after a full shot string and resultant data entry into Chairgun. I had her zeroed at 47 yards as a tentative zero. Chairgun says the optimal zero range with the actual data I obtained is 39.3 yards. Seems the zero is effectively the same. Three shots confirmed this with all three entirely in the red without any turret clicks :). So, I had the rest of the afternoon to actually hunt, as I had already affixed a Chairgun Scope Cap View print-out to my scope cap at that zero.

I also was able to see how many bottle fills I get with my Omega 12 cu-ft 4,500 psi CF tank. I got two complete re-fills (160 bar to 250 bar) and two partial re-fills (one @ 160 bar to 220 bar, and the second @ 160 bar to 200 bar). I could have got an ever-diminishing number of partial re-fills, but that would be ad absurdum. Overall, a wonderful day (except for an encounter with a whackadoo homeless dude who took issue with my rifle, although he was trespassing on private property I had permission to be on.) Luckily, the encounter happened just as I was packing up for the day. He rapidly fled the area after I called for backup from the property's security team. Where do they get these people, and why do they kept sending them to me?! 
Got the new Canopy up to keep my soon to be HMx out of the elements when out shooting. Still need 4 more anchors but the cement blocks will do for now.
"Imold"Got the new Canopy up to keep my soon to be HMx out of the elements when out shooting. Still need 4 more anchors but the cement blocks will do for now.
Will you adopt me? I may have to find a new shooting spot. The homeless horde has infested my now ersatz Happy Hunting Grounds, and not all of them play well with others. Thanks Obungler >:-(
"Imold"I seen that you have uninvited people on the shooting property Marco..need to get that wall built.
Actually, the homeless don't bother me per se. I've been immunized to their presence after having lived in San Francisco for nine years before moving down here on the border. What grinds my gears is that I jumped through all the hoops: I got my hunting license and got written permission from the land owner to target shoot and hunt on the land. I treat the homeless as I would anybody else; you leave me alone, I'll return the favor.
"Hynzie"good job stock looks great
Yeah, I lucked-out. The stock blank cut well; mostly green on the outside. Martin said that's rare; it's a crap shoot what's going to show on the surface. The more I have her, the more I'm appreciating the beauty of the Forest Green laminate. And since I've had her out in the field a few times now, I realize that she's not that big a deal to manage. I'm going to keep the laminate and forego buying the walnut sporter w/o the adjustable cheek-piece. Cooler heads have prevailed once again :)