"Imold"I need a stiffer trigger because of my nerve damage in my hands/fingers,I need to feel the trigger and with a light trigger I don't get a good feeling of how it's going to break, it took me awhile to get used to my LRT 6.5 Creedmoor and now I figured I don't need the hassle, I can feel the 2 pound on my finger a lot better and I don't get surprised when it breaks/fires...
You're supposed to be surprised when she breaks. There should be no anticipation of discharge; this causes flinching, which is anathema to shot placement. The entire focus should be on your sight picture as you're squeezing. But, whatever works for ya :)
Guess what I'm trying to say is with my nerve damage I need some pressure there or else I don't feel the trigger on my finger, sure it's all about the surprise but I still need to feel it on my finger as I pull it and if it's too lite I have to make myself pull it back and accuracy goes right out the window.
I feel ya; the only important aspect of any setting is that it suits the user. The joints in my fingers are starting to deteriorate due to arthritis. The grip options of the RAW thumbhole really helps with that.
"Hynzie"how goes the struggle,marco you made an adjustment did u get to test your hmx
Well, I shot one pellet across my Chrony. I'll have to wait until tomorrow when everyone's at work to do a complete shot string (my RAW ain't exactly backyard friendly), but I'm not happy. It registered only 810.0 fps. (JSB 81.02 gr). Adjusting the hammer in a quarter turn apparently didn't do a thing. I'm finding that RAWs need to be adjusted a ton to get any movement.
"Hynzie"well i hope you and martin can get er done
At the very least, it's fun tinkerin' around. It looks like I'll get a full shot string in tonight. I'm getting off a few shots at a time. I don't think my neighbor's home. I'm not happy with the results thus far though. I have six shots off and the average fps / ft-lbf actually went down! (843.94 fps to 818.53 fps / 127.58 ft-lbf to 119.99 ft-lbf). Odd thing, the SD improved! (15.30 to 10.73). The air usage looks identical. So, the shot count will stay the same. This is really weird.

One good thing; the steel plate I put in my bullet trap is not even dinged! The pellets just disintegrate upon impact :)
Martin expressly stated in writing that to increase hammer tension, turn the hex screw at the back of the breach clockwise as looking from the rear at the head of the screw. He also instructed me (in writing) to increase the hammer tension a quarter turn, which I did. This is really gettin' aggravatin'. Me 'n him are gonna have to have a heart-to-heart tomorrow.
With the expert tutelage of Sir Martin, I believe that I have arrived at the optimal tune for my RAW. After three complete shot strings @ three separate hammer tension settings, it appears that 20 shots per bottle fill (235 bar - 165 bar) @ 125.06 ft-lbf (avg) w/ an SD of 6.07, shooting JSB 80s, is the best I can do. Tweaking the trade-off between shot count, power, and SD was quite interesting. And for once, my Chrony actually cooperated!
well that"s great ..your getting there im glad you decided to do the adjustments 125 ffp is ass kicking fast and i bet it hits like a frig"in hammer .6,07 sd well thats so much better than its been ,Martin with out a doubt knows his stuff ,,im going to call Sandra to put a hold on my order ,cant find that damn stock,i interested to see Micks stock hes doind in black ,i may buy the black stock the one with silver streaks and go from there 
"Hynzie"well that"s great ..your getting there im glad you decided to do the adjustments 125 ffp is ass kicking fast and i bet it hits like a frig"in hammer .6,07 sd well thats so much better than its been ,Martin with out a doubt knows his stuff ,,im going to call Sandra to put a hold on my order ,cant find that damn stock,i interested to see Micks stock hes doind in black ,i may buy the black stock the one with silver streaks and go from there
Yeah, I was on a tear last night. I was just going to set up my Chrony and do a shot string today. I ended up doing three complete shot strings! It's so odd to me that increasing the hammer tension actually lowered fps and power slightly, but dramatically lowered SD (which is exactly what I wanted). I guess Martin knew it would do this. The link you sent me last night ("Bob's Your Uncle") probably will explain this phenomena.

There's also the issue of familiarizing myself with the idiosyncrasies of my particular rifle. One nice thing is that I get much better numbers when I don't top off my bottle gauge back to 250 bar after the bottle cools down to 235 bar after a fill, and just leave it at 135 bar as a starting point. Go figure.

Mick is the man. He's given me so much good skinny. That coloration process he detailed looks like exactly what you want.