Can you imagine the cheating that would happen with spinners? I know were all in this game for the big prize money and all, but I have witnessed cheaters who say the target fell down and reset strings on standing targets. I always call them and give them what I saw happen, I can tell you that while waiting for my turn to shoot at a normal monthly shoot, I am not paying full attention to every target the other guy is shooting at, and go by the sound and string jump to determine hit or miss. And my old jacked up eyes cant see a target out at 55 yard, without a scope and least 24 mag, so there goes actually seeing it fall. Now at a Grand Prix, or World event, I watch everyone shoot, without fail. Spinners would sure make it easier, but it sure would cause a few arguments along the way. The only way to make the shoots easier for MD's and the few usual helpers who do ALL the work, ALL the time, is for more people to help setting up courses, and take down courses at the end of the shoot. But I can tell you from experience, that the vast majority of the work is done by the loyal few and far too many people will show up for a shoot, then hit the road quickly afterwards. Thats the way it is here in the USA and all over the world. Ive shot many matches overseas, and its the same for them.... BC