Reaching THE PLATEAU....

➔ I have. Like my life depended on it.

➔ I have. Like a bag of BBQ chips, or German chocolate.

And then....
I reached THE PLATEAU.
I came to realize: I don't need to hunt anymore for more:
▪ I GOT what I wanted.

▪ And now I GET to enjoy what I have.

➠ Now I GET to use it!: Running pellet tests, BC tests, and hollow point expansion tests, and killing hundreds of pigeons in the process.
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

The price on a firearms classified section was so low... — my fingers literally were shaking as I was typing my response to the seller.
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Shooting extreme long range!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

Very short, very adjustable, very beautiful.

➠ Now I GET to use it!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

▪ As good laser rangefinders are unobtainable in the country where I work — I GOT a backup LRF for my backup LRF for my backup LRF for my regular LRF.
▪ I GOT over 50 varieties of .22cal pellets to test to find the magic pellet for each gun.
▪ I GOT a similar amount of varieties of slugs.
▪ I GOT all the adjustable scope mounts in all sizes that I could ever want or need.
▪ I GOT chronies, compressors, bottles, the works.
➠ Now I GET to use it — well, a very small part of all that!

(And for that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

Because I reached THE PLATEAU.
That unique place of contentment,that level of thankful enjoyment,
that lofty goal I had been striving for and climbing towards for years and years.
➠ So, I have finally unsubscribed from the classifieds and other sales platforms.
I will control my pining for the next new gun or the next amazing scope to come out.
I'm going shooting. No more shopping.

I have been greatly blessed, far far beyond of what I deserve.
