N/A Reaching THE PLATEAU.... ⭐ — and the contentment I found

Reaching THE PLATEAU.... ⭐

❓ In your search for more and better guns and accessories, have you subscribed to classified sections all over the interwebs, including forums and Ebay?
➔ I have. Like my life depended on it. 😳

❓ Have you been gobbling up those threads dealing with new guns and innovative accessories?
➔ I have. Like a bag of BBQ chips, or German chocolate. 🤪

And then....​

I reached THE PLATEAU. ⭐

I came to realize: I don't need to hunt anymore for more:
▪ I GOT what I wanted. ✅
▪ And now I GET to enjoy what I have. ⭐

✅ Last year I GOT a beautiful PCP. It has full adjustability, just as I like it. 🤩
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Running pellet tests, BC tests, and hollow point expansion tests, and killing hundreds of pigeons in the process.
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ What are YOU doing?

✅ Half a year ago I GOT my dream scope. 🤩
The price on a firearms classified section was so low... — my fingers literally were shaking as I was typing my response to the seller.
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Shooting extreme long range!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ What are YOU doing?

✅ Just now I was granted victory in my fight with the Peruvian customs agency — and GOT a (for me) very high power PCP — 75FPE in .25cal.
Very short, very adjustable, very beautiful. 🤩
➠ Now I GET to use it!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ And YOU?

✅ The only thing I might be lacking is a bottle clamp rail (52mm). But otherwise: 🤩
▪ As good laser rangefinders are unobtainable in the country where I work — I GOT a backup LRF for my backup LRF for my backup LRF for my regular LRF.
▪ I GOT over 50 varieties of .22cal pellets to test to find the magic pellet for each gun.

▪ I GOT a similar amount of varieties of slugs.
▪ I GOT all the adjustable scope mounts in all sizes that I could ever want or need.
▪ I GOT chronies, compressors, bottles, the works.
➠ Now I GET to use it — well, a very small part of all that! 😆
(And for that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

🔴 Because there is really no REAL need to keep shopping.

Because I reached THE PLATEAU. ⭐

That unique place of contentment,
that level of thankful enjoyment,
that lofty goal I had been striving for and climbing towards for years and years.

➠ So, I have finally unsubscribed from the classifieds and other sales platforms.
I will control my pining for the next new gun or the next amazing scope to come out.
I'm going shooting. No more shopping. 🤩

❓ What about YOU?

I have been greatly blessed, far far beyond of what I deserve. ✅


Matthias 😊
*** I have been greatly blessed, far far beyond of what I deserve. ***

Matthias, that's really great! I feel the way to but never thought of it in that way - agreed, it's time to relax and enjoy.

Like you, I've reached my plateau and am fortunate that I have the time (I'm retired), the health and the place to shoot (128 yard range in my backyard).

I sincerely hope that everyone finds their plateau and settles down to enjoying what they have!

The challenges now are those small targets way down range and keeping pellets/slugs in stock. 🙂

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Just leave it all behind for a while, and it will come back...

I have a dozen PCPs - some I love, some I don't use. I don't really hate any of them, but there are a few that I would gladly part with because they're just not me. This site, of course, is horrible for the budget because you're always being exposed to the latest and maybe a little closer to greatest.

I haven't bought a new airgun in three, maybe four, years. I started peeking in here again, and now I want a GK1, and a Taipan Vet 2... The Huben because I've never found a PCP pistol that I really liked, and the Taipan because I want to see what the fuss is about (the EdGun R5M remains a favorite).

I'm 'semi-content'. I'm not super-anxious to purchase my new wants, but I do have new wants...


Reaching THE PLATEAU.... ⭐

❓ In your search for more and better guns and accessories, have you subscribed to classified sections all over the interwebs, including forums and Ebay?
➔ I have. Like my life depended on it. 😳

❓ Have you been gobbling up those threads dealing with new guns and innovative accessories?
➔ I have. Like a bag of BBQ chips, or German chocolate. 🤪

And then....​

I reached THE PLATEAU. ⭐

I came to realize: I don't need to hunt anymore for more:
▪ I GOT what I wanted. ✅
▪ And now I GET to enjoy what I have. ⭐

✅ Last year I GOT a beautiful PCP. It has full adjustability, just as I like it. 🤩
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Running pellet tests, BC tests, and hollow point expansion tests, and killing hundreds of pigeons in the process.
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ What are YOU doing?

✅ Half a year ago I GOT my dream scope. 🤩
The price on a firearms classified section was so low... — my fingers literally were shaking as I was typing my response to the seller.
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Shooting extreme long range!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ What are YOU doing?

✅ Just now I was granted victory in my fight with the Peruvian customs agency — and GOT a (for me) very high power PCP — 75FPE in .25cal.
Very short, very adjustable, very beautiful. 🤩
➠ Now I GET to use it!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ And YOU?

✅ The only thing I might be lacking is a bottle clamp rail (52mm). But otherwise: 🤩
▪ As good laser rangefinders are unobtainable in the country where I work — I GOT a backup LRF for my backup LRF for my backup LRF for my regular LRF.
▪ I GOT over 50 varieties of .22cal pellets to test to find the magic pellet for each gun.

▪ I GOT a similar amount of varieties of slugs.
▪ I GOT all the adjustable scope mounts in all sizes that I could ever want or need.
▪ I GOT chronies, compressors, bottles, the works.
➠ Now I GET to use it — well, a very small part of all that! 😆
(And for that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

🔴 Because there is really no REAL need to keep shopping.

Because I reached THE PLATEAU. ⭐

That unique place of contentment,
that level of thankful enjoyment,
that lofty goal I had been striving for and climbing towards for years and years.

➠ So, I have finally unsubscribed from the classifieds and other sales platforms.
I will control my pining for the next new gun or the next amazing scope to come out.
I'm going shooting. No more shopping. 🤩

❓ What about YOU?

I have been greatly blessed, far far beyond of what I deserve. ✅


Matthias 😊
Is the short, very adjustable 75fpe PCP a GK1?

To answer YOUR question, it’s a 25min drive for me to Utah Airguns, so there is no hope to quit shopping.
Nice to hear that some of you have the same sentiment of the PLATEAU of CONTENTMENT! ⭐

And of course, I set myself up to get hit over the head
▪ by the famous n+1 formula and
▪ the a GOT to have will always come up phrase. 😆 👍🏼
➔ I have used these and others myself. — I have played a relentless enabler game just like most of us here at AGN.... 😉

The mentioned high power .25cal is a Prophet II Compact, not the Huben pistol.
I might cross paths with the GK1 somewhere far down the road. However, I have been blessed, and for now I have decided to enjoy driving on my PLATEAU! 😊


weevil, I'm so sorry to have to say this.... 😞
But unless Utah Airguns decides to move farther away from your house.... — you're simply doomed. 😱
The Huben pistol is probably the most alluring gun at the moment. However, not much prior to it's release, I had modified my .25 caliber pistol to a point it VERY closely matches this gun in both power and accuracy. A tall feat, for sure. But the shot count is lacking, and it is not semi-auto. In this instance, those lacking charactersistics are not any I care much about. If at all. If not for this, I might have found myself a new huben owner as well. At any rate, not money I need to be spending at this moment.
I have reached the Plateau,I have reached the Plateau,I have reached the Plateau. Oh Halalulul,I have reached the Plateau.
Forgive me for I reached the Plateau, yet I carve for more,I am a super consumer of all things airgun and fishing-related.
Truthfully I need no more,yet I still search when I would be better off shooting.
I will try my best for no more air guns, but I need a couple more scopes.:confused:
I prefer to think of it as hitting
the bottom of The Rabbit Hole®... finally.

Now, that is an imagery that is rather apt and contextualized to our field....

Bottom of The Rabbit Hole — I should have thought about that one.

There are some drawback to The Rabbit Hole imagery:

⛔ It introduces a downward (negative!) movement — a "FALL"! (like "falling into sin") 😵
instead of an upward (positive) movement of the plateau imagery.

⛔ It threatens with a crashing and hurting inside a dark pit —
instead of inspiring greatfulness with a beautiful view visible from the plateau.

⛔ It kind of betrays the inordinate amount of money 🤦🏻‍♂️ the user has thrown at this hobby.

➠ So, anybody wanting to fall and crash inside the dark Rabbit Hole — go ahead.
From The Plateau I will have a great view of your demise. 😉

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Now, that is an imagery that is rather apt and contextualized to our field....

Bottom of The Rabbit Hole — I should have thought about that one.

There are some drawback to The Rabbit Hole imagery:

⛔ It introduces a downward (negative!) movement — a "FALL"! (like "falling into sin") 😵
instead of an upward (positive) movement of the plateau imagery.

⛔ It threatens with a crashing and hurting inside a dark pit —
instead of inspiring greatfulness with a beautiful view visible from the plateau.

⛔ It kind of betrays the inordinate amount of money 🤦🏻‍♂️ the user has thrown at this hobby.

➠ So, anybody wanting to fall and crash inside dark The Rabbit Hole — go ahead.
From The Plateau I will have a great view of your demise. 😉

Sadly throwing money at something generally doesn't allow one to climb up the of lofty reaches of contentment, where as when one reaches the bottom of the Rabbit Hole® , which started on that lofty plateau of hope and dreams you finally get to the bottom and then, there is a glimmer of light, you follow it and low and behold you see the daylight and you can truly enjoy the scenery and true contentment. Just until FX comes out with another %^$# gun.
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I liken purchasing to parachuting randomly into a mountain range. Sometimes you land near the top of the highest peak and the slugs shoot MOA outta the box. Sometimes you drop in to a valley and it’s a series of leaks. The most important thing to note is that wherever you land, you can start to hike uphill by learning to tune, make repairs and carefully improve performance. If it’s too dark to see the tops of the mountains, find a guide on this forum rather than a YouTube channel.