N/A Reaching THE PLATEAU.... ⭐ — and the contentment I found

If you're serious about being content....
1. Don't get on the forums
2. Don't have any airgun friends
3. Don't go to any airgun competitions
4. Don't look through any other scopes than the ones you own
5. Don't consider shooting in any other manner than current use (if you shoot at pigeons at 50 yards and less, keep shooting at pigeons at 50 yards and less, stay away from ground squirrels/prairie dogs past 50 yards for example, and stay away from 10meter guns for indoors during long winter nights, and stay away from springers, and pistols, field target, and extreme field target, and etc etc etc.

Reaching THE PLATEAU.... ⭐

❓ In your search for more and better guns and accessories, have you subscribed to classified sections all over the interwebs, including forums and Ebay?
➔ I have. Like my life depended on it. 😳

❓ Have you been gobbling up those threads dealing with new guns and innovative accessories?
➔ I have. Like a bag of BBQ chips, or German chocolate. 🤪

And then....​

I reached THE PLATEAU. ⭐

I came to realize: I don't need to hunt anymore for more:
▪ I GOT what I wanted. ✅
▪ And now I GET to enjoy what I have. ⭐

✅ Last year I GOT a beautiful PCP. It has full adjustability, just as I like it. 🤩
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Running pellet tests, BC tests, and hollow point expansion tests, and killing hundreds of pigeons in the process.
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ What are YOU doing?

✅ Half a year ago I GOT my dream scope. 🤩
The price on a firearms classified section was so low... — my fingers literally were shaking as I was typing my response to the seller.
➠ Now I GET to use it!: Shooting extreme long range!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ What are YOU doing?

✅ Just now I was granted victory in my fight with the Peruvian customs agency — and GOT a (for me) very high power PCP — 75FPE in .25cal.
Very short, very adjustable, very beautiful. 🤩
➠ Now I GET to use it!
(For that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)
❓ And YOU?

✅ The only thing I might be lacking is a bottle clamp rail (52mm). But otherwise: 🤩
▪ As good laser rangefinders are unobtainable in the country where I work — I GOT a backup LRF for my backup LRF for my backup LRF for my regular LRF.
▪ I GOT over 50 varieties of .22cal pellets to test to find the magic pellet for each gun.

▪ I GOT a similar amount of varieties of slugs.
▪ I GOT all the adjustable scope mounts in all sizes that I could ever want or need.
▪ I GOT chronies, compressors, bottles, the works.
➠ Now I GET to use it — well, a very small part of all that! 😆
(And for that, I need to go shooting instead of shopping.)

🔴 Because there is really no REAL need to keep shopping.

Because I reached THE PLATEAU. ⭐

That unique place of contentment,
that level of thankful enjoyment,
that lofty goal I had been striving for and climbing towards for years and years.

➠ So, I have finally unsubscribed from the classifieds and other sales platforms.
I will control my pining for the next new gun or the next amazing scope to come out.
I'm going shooting. No more shopping. 🤩

❓ What about YOU?

I have been greatly blessed, far far beyond of what I deserve. ✅


Matthias 😊
When we finally realize less is more
We should look back at the trail that brought us to this point …. Taking notice that the path was seldom straight or narrow or sub moa 😎
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If you're serious about being content....
1. Don't get on the forums
2. Don't have any airgun friends
3. Don't go to any airgun competitions
4. Don't look through any other scopes than the ones you own
5. Don't consider shooting in any other manner than current use (if you shoot at pigeons at 50 yards and less, keep shooting at pigeons at 50 yards and less, stay away from ground squirrels/prairie dogs past 50 yards for example, and stay away from 10meter guns for indoors during long winter nights, and stay away from springers, and pistols, field target, and extreme field target, and etc etc etc.
This is soooo true
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Just leave it all behind for a while, and it will come back...

I have a dozen PCPs - some I love, some I don't use. I don't really hate any of them, but there are a few that I would gladly part with because they're just not me. This site, of course, is horrible for the budget because you're always being exposed to the latest and maybe a little closer to greatest.

I haven't bought a new airgun in three, maybe four, years. I started peeking in here again, and now I want a GK1, and a Taipan Vet 2... The Huben because I've never found a PCP pistol that I really liked, and the Taipan because I want to see what the fuss is about (the EdGun R5M remains a favorite).

I'm 'semi-content'. I'm not super-anxious to purchase my new wants, but I do have new wants...

The new RAW microhunter / pistol is da bomb