Real life lead poisoning from airgunning

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How many of you swaging your own slugs etc. use gloves?

Speaking of gloves.

If you were to dedicate a pair of white cotton gloves for just loading pellets into your magazine or gun, how long do you think they'd stay white?

Years ago lead poisoning meant being shot down in a gun fight; Today it means someone who touched a painted toy made in China?

Don't be a "leadhead!"

If you shoot indoors, examining a shrouded guns outer barrel surface will make you wonder how much of that same dust made it out the muzzle. In that case, you most likely do have lead in your paint :censored:

Most of us produce and have enough airguns with lead particulates built up to poison our whole block, let alone yourself or members in the household.

Some people are more susceptible to lead toxicity as well, where less does more, even in children.

So I went to EBAY. I'm Ready! lol

Hazmat Bob.jpg
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"Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing."

We're here cuz we enjoy airguns. The best airgun projectiles are made of lead.

Unless you've been on a Geico commercial, you're aware of the dangers of lead.

Life is a series of calculated risks. Do you enjoy airguns? If yes, there is gonna be lead exposure. That doesn't mean we're all licking the dust off the baffles in our moderators.

This topic comes around every once in awhile, and it goes over as good as it would if I jumped on a motorcycle forum and started talking about how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle.
Awareness and simple precautions. Run the case polisher outdoor for instance, throw a dryer sheet in to soak up some of the lead containing schmutz. Numero Uno for airguns. Wash your hands!!!
Often, and always after handling pellets or slugs. Glove up for cleaning jobs, I use a lot of nitrile gloves. Habit I suppose, I wrench on stuff and then wear a suit the next day, black fingernails are unacceptable. Hung up the suits and sport jackets, I still like nice looking hands. One does not get a second chance at a first impression.
This topic comes around every once in awhile, and it goes over as good as it would if I jumped on a motorcycle forum and started talking about how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle.
Not really. Everyone knows that riding 200mph in an urban area is dangerous. However, people do not know how easy it is to get contaminated with lead from shooting/doing chrony job indoors. That is the purpose I created this topic. It is not about leaving airgunning behind. It is about conscious and safe cultivation of our hobby.
Strange choice to bring an anti-lead soapbox to an airgun forum. Kind of like going to a hippy forum and complaining about kale and hemp and people not showering. I assume there are hippy forums somewhere. There must be.

Know your audience. Read the room.
I’m confused. So because we like airguns we should not want to hear information about exposure to a related neurotoxin? I for one am glad this was brought up here and not in a health forum where I wouldn’t see it.
You got nothing new here buddy.

And on and on, ad nauseum.
The ability to have honest discussion is simply above some people. Fear causes a defensive reaction and this has been nurtured in our society. Any discussion is viewed as a debate. Any precaution is viewed as an infringement. Any criticism is viewed as an attack. Any attempt at logic is ignored. Any attempt at understanding is viewed as weakness.

We as a society have been trained to avoid honest discourse on any topic. We must take sides and be adversarial. It is the mandate of our tribe.

It has gotten to the point we can't even talk honestly about dust without the partisans sounding the battle cry.
You got nothing new here buddy.

And on and on, ad nauseum.
So is that the reason when you try to make a New Thread, you get the Prompt: "Is this already being discussed"? Who Knew?
You got nothing new here buddy.

And on and on, ad nauseum.

It seems to be a topic that many airgunners are interested in discussing.

If the discussion is one that causes angst for you the solution is simple. Just click your index finger on the mouse and it disappears. Computers are awesome!

If it's any consolation I feel the same about the threads on the Notos. On and on ad nauseum. Still if guys want to discuss it I feel they should be able to do that without criticism or interference.
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I know a hundred men who insisted covid was a Chinese biological attack. Those same men refused to wear a mask in public. On one hand they believed that covid was a weapon unleashed by our enemies. On the other they refused to protect themselves from it. This is precisely the same scenario using precisely the same flawed logic.
You sound waxinated. The plandemic was for the clot shot not the other way around. Look up the negative side affects for the experimental injection from the prominent drug company because it fills a page.

My wife and I didn't get waxed with the clot shot, We never caught the C, and my DNA is still 100% human. However I wish I hadn't compromised and wore masks back in the beginning of the plan, which obviously can't stop a viras because of many reasons.

If you're brave enough do the research on alternate media go ahead and be prepared to injest truth. If you heed the mainstream media you're accepting a false narrative.
Tell that to the ones that Make the rules. Maybe they can open a New Category. "The BRB Thread"! LOL

That's an awesome idea! An "Airgun Safety" section. Where guys can discuss the various aspects of airgun safety considerations without the interference of those who have no interest in it!

...Or we could just respect each other's opinions on the regular section. Either way would be great!
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