Real life lead poisoning from airgunning

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I generally have not.

The lead is on my fingertips and palms, surely. I was my hands thoroughly immediately after any swaging session.

I’m sure there are plenty of surfaces in my garage and reloading bench that are contaminated.
I just started using them a few months ago. After handling lead for hours on end, it's just easier to peal off the gloves. I also think exposure to lead dust is far less when you make your own. Your starting off with clean lead wire and if you lube your projectiles before shooting, there is very little buildup on the moderator etc compared to mass produced stuff. I guess you could wash and lube, but I don't think most would want to bother.
You sound waxinated. The plandemic was for the clot shot not the other way around. Look up the negative side affects for the experimental injection from the prominent drug company because it fills a page.

My wife and I didn't get waxed with the clot shot, We never caught the C, and my DNA is still 100% human. However I wish I hadn't compromised and wore masks back in the beginning of the plan, which obviously can't stop a viras because of many reasons.

If you're brave enough do the research on alternate media go ahead and be prepared to injest truth. If you heed the mainstream media you're accepting a false narrative.
Perfectly said. Non Waxed here as well.
You sound waxinated. The plandemic was for the clot shot not the other way around. Look up the negative side affects for the experimental injection from the prominent drug company because it fills a page.

My wife and I didn't get waxed with the clot shot, We never caught the C, and my DNA is still 100% human. However I wish I hadn't compromised and wore masks back in the beginning of the plan, which obviously can't stop a viras because of many reasons.

If you're brave enough do the research on alternate media go ahead and be prepared to injest truth. If you heed the mainstream media you're accepting a false narrative.

Sounds like you have it all figured out.

You were the smart one in your family weren't you?
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