Realistic slug expectations

So I have my Taipan Veteran Long that has a great barrel on it. Arguably one of my best shooting guns I've owned. Probably avg .3" groups at 50yds as it is with JTS 18gr at 920fps. I've tried slugs in many guns previously but nothing had really shown promise. Not really even close. I've tried a couple slugs in this gun but no joy. Someone talked about VK XLHP 22gr slugs so thought why not try them kind of as a last chance try. To me surprise they are amazing and have such a great HP for pesting. I only bought a 100 but I've put about 40 on paper. So far I've yet to have a "flyer" and most groups are around .4-.5" at 50yds. Haven't had a group over .5" except a 10 shot group alittle closer to .6". I tried 2 different days and both days results were similar. Really I get about 4 shots around .25" and 1 opens it up. I think it's safe to say my results are very good for a realistic expectation? I think I'm going to buy a few hundred more and use them when days are more windy. Or to get that satisfying POP on pests lol. Maybe fine tune to see if I can get them a hair tighter but don't think I can expect to get much better than my MOA accuracy at 50yds realisticly. Not talking 1 off groups but avg.
Have you tried these? These were the only slugs my .25 Taipan Vet shot well. Can you link those slugs?

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So I have my Taipan Veteran Long that has a great barrel on it. Arguably one of my best shooting guns I've owned. Probably avg .3" groups at 50yds as it is with JTS 18gr at 920fps. I've tried slugs in many guns previously but nothing had really shown promise. Not really even close. I've tried a couple slugs in this gun but no joy. Someone talked about VK XLHP 22gr slugs so thought why not try them kind of as a last chance try. To me surprise they are amazing and have such a great HP for pesting. I only bought a 100 but I've put about 40 on paper. So far I've yet to have a "flyer" and most groups are around .4-.5" at 50yds. Haven't had a group over .5" except a 10 shot group alittle closer to .6". I tried 2 different days and both days results were similar. Really I get about 4 shots around .25" and 1 opens it up. I think it's safe to say my results are very good for a realistic expectation? I think I'm going to buy a few hundred more and use them when days are more windy. Or to get that satisfying POP on pests lol. Maybe fine tune to see if I can get them a hair tighter but don't think I can expect to get much better than my MOA accuracy at 50yds realisticly. Not talking 1 off groups but avg.

Looking forward to some pesting pics . Thanks for the heads up .

I've got too much money in slugs already, it makes me hesitant to try more . I haven't found a large hollow point pellet that shoots well at 50 either. Polymags will do dimes at 50 and pack a good punch . But the cheaper AEA and JTS have been working well although w much less expansion.
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Have you tried these? These were the only slugs my .25 Taipan Vet shot well. Can you link those slugs?

He sells on eBay

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Having a 50 yard slug gun is not really that difficult. If you throw enough stuff at the wall, something will eventually stick in a lot of cases. The train generally starts to go off the tracks after the 60+ yard mark. But if all your shots are going to be in the guns accuracy/consistency window, you’re golden. Test it out to as far as you plan to shoot. If you don’t ever shoot animals over 80 yards and the gun is still consistently under an inch, that’s great. No where is it written that a slug gun must shoot at least 100 yards to earn a brownie badge or whoopy pin.
So sounds like I should consider it good. If i was listening to the South Africa guys itd likely be terrible groups hence why im asking for realistic expectaitions lol. I think I found at least a good one for my gun. I have tried H&N 21gr, 23gr, NSA 17.5gr and 20.2gr all in multiple sizes but nothing consistent. I'm not one to buy one of every single slug from every maker and go nuts with testing to find one. With the dairy and a wife and 2 kids geez I'm lucky to shoot at all anymore lol. I can test to 50yds in my yard once kids are in bed. It's usually dark though so I'm only out there for 15-20min and maybw 1-2 times a week ill do that if im determined enough. This is the only slug to have real potential that can rival pellets. At 50yds so far it's more consistent than quite a few guns I've had with pellets not this gun but lots of others. I'd say my max is usually 80yds on the dairy but sometimes can be out to 100yds. I'm hoping to put on paper at 80yds and 100yds and see what happens. If no luck then so be it. I've shot a starling at 80yds so far and was dead on. Also took 4 shots at 83yds on a spinner and they were about dime size. So I'm hopeful. But I guess we'll see. I don't need crazy power actually don't like it. In the fields no problem but on the dairy shooting off barns or areas where cows are close big heavy slugs and fast speeds are a no go. Won't shoot .30 on the dairy anymore either. These seem to be very happy at 820fps at 32.8fpe. Alot safer than the usual 30-40gr at 1000fps people seem to be pushing close to .22lr but still need to be more mindful with them than pellets. Trajectory wise it's extremely close to my pellet tune trajectory so easy to switch. Next step will be on paper further. I'll try early morning by my spinner in the field before work if I can.
Not a great day to test exactly but is good to see how the slugs were affected by wind vs pellets. We got storms moving in the area today and tomorrow so there's a good breeze. Figured what the hell why not really see in less than ideal conditions. Control group with pellets. This gun just shoots so well. As can see horizontal spread from the wind.

About 2 3/16" but vertical is only 1/2". I'd bet on a windless day I can shoot a 1/2" group at 100yds with this gun. I've gotten close before.

Anyways on to slugs I'm pretty happy with this group. Yes only one not gonna waste the little I have left on a fairly windy day as I want to see what they do in good conditions. With wind I'm satisfied with these results. Also I'm shooting these groups out of my truck with just a front bag. Not perfect but as can see I can do pretty well as I shoot like this alot. Vertical is 1 1/8" and horizontal 1 5/8". My usual slug trials thats roughly what most do at 50-60yds. So 100yds in wind ill take it.
Dillon, I shoot both pellets and slugs just about daily from my RAW and enjoy shooting both. Slugs to me at least are more fun as they take a much more concerted effort to get a proper cheek weld and sight picture to get pellet like accuracy or I get walking POI's...😂👍. I am glad you make time to shoot after the kids hit the hay even though you are tired 🙏
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Had alittle time yesterday to try some 100yd groups in pretty decent weather still a tiny bit of wind. Shot 2 5 shot groups at 100yds. Nothing special. Not bad though.View attachment 491010View attachment 491009
Then heres 5 shots after with pellets. As you can see just hard to beat.View attachment 491012
Good looking group with the pellets; it's hard to beat them in good conditions. From what I've read and experienced, there's always a "transition point" in accuracy going from pellet to slug and vice versa, albeit wind or longer range. Being on the dairy and mindful of the backdrop always, those VK slugs should suit you well. I've bought a lot of them same slugs from him and quality and consistency were always good.
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Slugs can be VERY picky with velocity

I found with a few of my rifles that the lead of them is to tight for slugs. Pellets will work fine but slugs need a different leade for them to function correctly. Then you also have to worry about the twist rate and barrel diameter. It takes quite a bit of tweaking and playing to find just the right ammo for your barrel, if you are able to find one at all.

For slugs I have found that the 30 grain 218 slugs work in the HM1000x. But I am also playing with different weights and slug designs to see if I can improve on the .80" at 100 yards I am getting now. Starting off things were VERY frustrating, but once you crack the "code" it is very satisfying.
Slugs can be VERY picky with velocity

I found with a few of my rifles that the lead of them is to tight for slugs. Pellets will work fine but slugs need a different leade for them to function correctly. Then you also have to worry about the twist rate and barrel diameter. It takes quite a bit of tweaking and playing to find just the right ammo for your barrel, if you are able to find one at all.

For slugs I have found that the 30 grain 218 slugs work in the HM1000x. But I am also playing with different weights and slug designs to see if I can improve on the .80" at 100 yards I am getting now. Starting off things were VERY frustrating, but once you crack the "code" it is very satisfying.

Yeah on this gun what's weird is at least with these slugs I can't feel the difference pushing them in compared to JTS 18gr. Other heavier pellets I've noticed and most other slugs but not these ones. I think they must fit the leade in real well. Also what was very shocking to me, makes me wonder about the whole slugs being worse for cleaning and what not, after 100 slugs and probably 200 pellets before that, my barrel wasn't "dirty". It was clean in 3 patches with lead remover and I had 2 tiny, barely noticable pieces of lead on the first patch that's it. Makes me wonder the slugs being worse on making a barrel foul is the speed most people run at instead of my 820fps. I mean clearly they have a higher amount of surface area touching the bore but I expected way more coming out of the barrel due to prior experience. Glad to hear your found one to work in your RAW. .8 is pretty good if it's there consistently. Would be cool to see of you can tweak it alittle more to get it better.
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Good looking group with the pellets; it's hard to beat them in good conditions. From what I've read and experienced, there's always a "transition point" in accuracy going from pellet to slug and vice versa, albeit wind or longer range. Being on the dairy and mindful of the backdrop always, those VK slugs should suit you well. I've bought a lot of them same slugs from him and quality and consistency were always good.
Yeah this gun is very good with those pellets. Calm conditions and if there is a miss it's all me. Yeah I'm trying to find that transition point to see if it's worth it. I mean clearly the windy day to calmer day groups are basically the same. So obviously they did better in the wind. I guess that would be my time to use them. Or if I'd ever have a larger pest to remove. They perform amazing on birds. But I do need to be more careful with what's behind for sure. I think I'll buy more but not use them all the time. More occasional use.