Recognize CZ and LW barrel

Funny Lo said Listone barrel, You never hear about that barrel... I got a CZ barrel and a Listone barrel in 22 caliber that goes on my Mutant, I can not tell them apart, 

Other than my CZ shoots JSB 16 gr super good, and nothing else,,,, My Listone barrel stays on the Mutant it shoots every thing super good..

Even the cheap pellets, 

A while ago I almost sold my Veteran Shorty. The guy kept questioning whether the barrel was a legit CZ or not. Kept asking about the dimples. I would have to look at it again, as I don’t remember, But.....

I can tell you one thing, I don’t care if that barrel is CZ or a Pixy Stix!!! That gun can put pellets through the same hole at 30 yards if you are real steady on the trigger. I’m glad he passed on it.

Perhaps it would be good to know for sure. 
I have two barrels now for Veteran cal.22 The reason why is here in my topic

They sent me a new piece of the barrel but one of the barrels I have to return! I made a couple of pictures for comparison.

Here are both barrels on the left is slightly damaged crown on right side is "new"


Which one do you prefer???

Here is the picture of back threading and pellets side - There is also small difference. Also barrel finish-surface is different. Old one on right side has smoother glossy surface. New one has different surface not so glossy - reason why?


Here are pictures of inside twist of barrels. On the left side is old one and on right is "new" barrel.


Just question what does mean the circle inside the "new" barrel? Something in choke of barrel? Why is it not on old barrel too? :) 

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I believe the dimples ( 3 of them) were present on the top of old Taipan Mutant CZ barrels, but are not on the Taipan Veteran CZ barrels. They looked like places where a grub screw would secure the barrel. I don't remember the source, but heard it said that the twist ratio of the CZ is 1:16 and LW is 1:17. I don't know for sure and you can't believe everything you read on the internet anyway so take that with a grain of salt.