Recommend a handgun for me?

I have a John Wayne Colt SAA smoothbore, it’s fun but I’d like something maybe a little more accurate. I’d like either a blowback semiauto or a double action revolver, I think I want a rifled bore (unless they aren’t any more accurate) and I’d like something realistic.

Im thinking right now maybe a 1911 or a dan wesson revolver but there’s so many options and I’m really not sure where to start. Any suggestions are welcome.
Second the Vigilante suggestion that you can buy for only $36 with free shipping by being smart and surf for the internet deals.

If you can get the older very similar CR357 version that's slightly more accurate than the current Vigilante and were clearance at Wal-Mart for only $12 OR was it $15 few years ago. Then they upped to $40 before being discontinued. Not to be confused with the current $100 model that takes cartridge shells to load each pellet that's not at all that accurate.

Of you have the funds then the Umarex S&W 586 and 686 will edge it out for 4-5x the price. Even the full sized Desert Eagle as well.

I really Don't recommend blowback pistols for accuracy sorry.
The Crosmans including CR357 plastic with metal rifles barrel insert.

The full metal ones aren't as accurate but really look real and if looks and metal is more important toto you than having the best accuracy then buy the metal ones instead.

I use one of my CR357s to plink at water bottle caps out to 25 yards. Try that with a metal OR blowback one.