Recommend air rifle

Anyone that wants a great looking and shooting rifle i would suggest a revere. Might be a bit expensive but me personally i think everyone should have 1 in their gun cabinet as I don’t think anyone would be sorry to own it! Should have added get a 177 cheap to shoot and good for field target if you get a chance to go to 1
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Welcome to the forum, think you'll like it here. Like Spiral said, budget is first, don't forget a filling method and optics. We're usually all over the place with recommendations, lots of great choices and options. Greener than green when starting I followed some good advice and watched Matt Dubber's "Air Gun Ballistics, 101," video series on YouTube. Helped me formulate what I wanted, and didn't want, in an airgun, might help you, too. Best of Luck, WM
My 2 cents worth after a couple years of the hobby is;
Go for a bigger caliber than you think you need.(In case you ever want to hunt with it.)
Get a long barrel.
Be prepared to buy bits and pieces to personalize and improve the tuning and to silence the sound.
Buy a lot of ammo of different weight. (Targets too)
Make a portable backyard pellet trap(they also work in the basement for indoor shooting.)
A small HP air bottle is convenient for portability and field use.
Buy the best compressor you can afford if you decide to buy one.

Do your research: look for tune-ability, parts availability and overall robustness, features etc.
Anything air gun is "buy once cry once" meaning don’t always go with the cheapest option.
Use the classifieds on here, there are a lot of value priced deals.
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I've been in this hobby for over 30 years. I started with .177, moved to bigger calibers, and now I'm fascinated with .177 again. One gun and one caliber will never be enough. It runs in cycles and I'm fine with that. Why limit yourself?

Edit: If you're new to the sport and just want to dip your toes and shoot targets, look at a Daisy 753 or 853 from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. It will give you years of accurate fun without the required equipment to support a pcp. If you do stay in the sport, you'll find yourself shooting it even after you have a collection of pcps.
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Could anyone recommend a pcp air rifle. New to the sport, will be used for targets.

was looking at BSA R12 CLX PRO or Airarms ultimate sports R

All advice appreciated

@froshtin743 Welcome to AGN. Take a look at the linked thread below. It contains useful information that may help you in your search for a reliable PCP for target shooting.

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