I am prepared to take a certain amount of scorn and ridicule for my idea.

If you ever shot quarry with a .30cal slow pellet — say at 500fps:
● How would you describe the hit (especially on a pigeon)?
● Any comments/ recommendations?
My Imagined Scenario:
▪ I'd like to shoot pigeons at 10 to 60y — and scopecam the hits.
▪ I'd like to have a muzzle velocity of around 500fps with either Polymag (44.75gr) or JSB Heavy (50.15gr) — unless you recommend something else!
▪ I'd like the shot noise at the gun very very quiet (with silencer).
(And the impact noise nice and loud.)
Your recommendation —
What gun — and why?
▪ Option (A): RTI Prophet 1 — regular valve
▪ Option (B): RTI Prophet 2 — balanced valve
▪ My barrel is an RTI LW barrel in .30, length 600mm (=regular size), with the large double-transfer ports.
➠ Thanks for any input you might have for me.

