Red Panda Update from Karma Airguns

Here is the real technical issue.

The plenum - Plenum is a fore chamber to the main chamber of the gun where the air is stored for the shot at a particular pressure.

The Air cylinder - It is a a device that stores air.

Now, over the barrel air cylinder has no novelty factor, unless it shows that it achieves a significant advantage. Because mere placement or re arrangement of certain components do not make it patent worthy because its not a new invention as the air cylinder that Snow peak uses on its other guns is just an air cylinder that holds air. Snow peak can claim a design right, but it ain't enforceable in USA for the design right is usually granted in the manufacturers country (CH) and is flimsy on the legal front.

What Fx has demonstrated is that , the plenum is an innovation that is proven to be the most integral part of performance addition, Its not an air cylinder, but a device that is totally new to the industry, and the way its placed on the barrel, it helps in increasing the rigidity of the barrel, unlike snow peak where the drop in pressure will result in barrel droop.

So. Thats where Sweden scored 1 more extra point, and that's what makes Snow peak defense useless, as its just an air cylinder on a barrel. while Fx has a totally new, fluid mechanics approved part that is placed on the barrel and its not a air cylinder.

Now @DonnyFL is not wrong either because someone got to patent office earlier, Now personally I Don't think that bench rest configuration would be affected because I believe that the Karma Red panda barrel is a one stout unit, Solid barrel.

The form factor due to placement of plenum elsewhere wont bother much for Bench rest, But..... But... ! if @DonnyFL is planning for PRS variant then I think they will have a trick in their sleeve to balance the gun while making it maneuverable during the transition at the range. A pro. that helps FX to be better at.

What FX did is right as per their lawyers, What Karma airguns did is also right, but it means that the battle has begun!
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Here is the real technical issue.

The plenum - Plenum is a fore chamber to the main chamber of the gun where the air is stored for the shot at a particular pressure.

What Fx has demonstrated is that , the plenum is an innovation that is proven to be the most integral part of performance addition, Its not an air cylinder, but a device that is totally new to the industry, and the way its placed on the barrel, it helps in increasing the rigidity of the barrel, unlike snow peak where the drop in pressure will result in barrel droop.

Plenums are not new to the industry, nor the most integral part of performance in pcps. I personally would have a field day with this patent in court.

Additionally there is no mention of increasing rigidity of the barrel in the patent that I am aware of, care to highlight / quote direct from the patent?

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Plenums are not new to the industry, nor the most integral part of performance in pcps. I personally would have a field day with this patent in court.

Additionally there is no mention of increasing rigidity of the barrel in the patent that I am aware of, care to highlight / quote direct from the patent?

How do I block this boomer? This forum would be a better place without his negativity.
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firing off a plenum is not new , FWB and others were using that with CO2 back in the 1980's. Perhaps it is just the location, something about above the barrel. as was stated else where. litigation is very expensive and dragged out for eons . In the end in in this particular area it isn't worth the cost.
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Sorry kids, nothing unscrupulous about rights
how is it the red panda introduced this line up like 7 months ago then fx filed for pat in may? seems shady to me. And also considering ZERO MANUFACTURING is in the US.. Seems like alot of BS to me. someone might make something better oh nooo.
Perfect example of the person with deeper pockets wins.. FX kinda just put a fowl taste in alot of folks mouths.
how is it the red panda introduced this line up like 7 months ago then fx filed for pat in may? seems shady to me. And also considering ZERO MANUFACTURING is in the US.. Seems like alot of BS to me. someone might make something better oh nooo.
Perfect example of the person with deeper pockets wins.. FX kinda just put a fowl taste in alot of folks mouths.

I'll agree to disagree.
Being a patent holder, does not make you a bully!

Imagine investing time and money into a novel idea that you have.
Imagine earning a patent on your idea.
Then imagine someone simply copying your idea, and profiting on it.

Copycats were, and still are a common occurance in the guitar/music industry.
They are called "LAWSUIT GUITARS", and they are not very popular in the music industry.
A genuine Gibson Les Paul guitar retails for $2900.
A almost exact chinese made copy, (often refered to as a "CHIBSON") retails for about $300.
Most musicians want absolutely nothing to do with them.
These modern, copycat companies, pop up as fast as they get shut down.
A large number of copycat guitar shipments, never even make it past customs, at the border.
Do they sound better? NO.
Are they illegal to own? NO.
Are they collectible and worth any more ? NO.

Imagine purchasing a Red Panda, that is really just a $300 copycat, made in China.
Well now that I have a headache keeping up with this thread, and yes, I have posted in it 2 times myself I have come up with a thought after seeing the patent application date...

Maybe Airforce should run down and file a design patent for the rear bottle mounted air cylinder, Hire a couple of the Nasty Texas Big Dog Attorneys' then turn around and sue the hell out of FX for the Dynamic...hmm food for thought

But wait, Breaking News, FX just filed for that patent too.. LOL (This NOT True , well as far as I know anyway)

My point is its just ridiculous that this ever got to this point, but I guess FX needs to make up for the loss they took on the FX USA debacle .. yeah I went there....
Well now that I have a headache keeping up with this thread, and yes, I have posted in it 2 times myself I have come up with a thought after seeing the patent application date...

Maybe Airforce should run down and file a design patent for the rear bottle mounted air cylinder, Hire a couple of the Nasty Texas Big Dog Attorneys' then turn around and sue the hell out of FX for the Dynamic...hmm food for thought

But wait, Breaking News, FX just filed for that patent too.. LOL (This NOT True , well as far as I know anyway)

My point is its just ridiculous that this ever got to this point, but I guess FX needs to make up for the loss they took on the FX USA debacle .. yeah I went there....
Sounds like you are bitter, and suffer from FX hatred.
I feel FXs move on this is not classy.
Had they been classy guys they would have notified snowpeak to get their patent in order.
But it seem R&D is the same in Sweden as elsewhere, remember & duplicate.

PS: We Danes and Swedes are extra allowed to rip into each other, it is a right gained in over 30 years of outright war between our countries.
Just CUZ they are trolls living under mountains and can not play soccer it do not mean i would like anyone else to be my neighbour to the east.
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I feel FXs move on this is not classy.
Had they been classy guys they would have notified snowpeak to get their patent in order.
But it seem R&D is the same in Sweden as elsewhere, remember & duplicate.

PS: We Danes and Swedes are extra allowed to rip into each other, it is a right gained in over 30 years of outright war between our countries.
Just CUZ they are trolls living under mountains and can not play soccer it do not mean i would like anyone else to be my neighbour to the east.
Are Danes not allowed both larger calibers, as well as patents?

Elsewhere in the world, (Sweeden and America), any inventor with common sense gets a patent, trademark or copyright ........ or else!
Sounds like you are bitter, and suffer from FX hatred.
No, not an FX hater, I own several...

I just do Not feel Sueing, or threatening to do has any place in a Hobby period...

My company's products have been knocked off as fast as I can design them, that is just the way it is if you have a successful product...
If I spent the time, money, and mental fortitude stressing over it I would have given up a LONG time ago