Brocock/BRK Reducing .25 Ghost barrell

Hoping you all can recommend a machinist to either reduce the stock .25 Ghost barrel / shroud or machine a LW poly blank to my needs. My concern is that the .25 HP has such a slow twist rate that a reduction will have negative impact on accuracy. Use case: I need a .25 to be pellet on pellet at 50yards while still maintaining around 850fps at max. Use case: Critter removal that occasionally involves dragging through heavy vegetation. Why choose the Ghost over any other of the .25 carbines you ask? I wanted a reliable PCP with integrated dovetail and an on the fly power adjuster like the wheel. In a video from AOA before the release they mentioned that the .25 would come out in a carbine variant, but sounds like those plans got scrapped.

Any recommendations on people to talk with or firsthand knowledge would be greatly appreciated.