I was going to long wind this, but let me TL;DR it for brevity as best that I can. I have a Leshiy + Huma standard reg, that I wanted to keep high power tuned for .25 JSBs and long range shooting with my .22 barrel.
Say I have a target pellet speed of 900fps for the .22 pellets. I can achieve the speed with both very high reg settings and low HST and with lower reg settings with higher HST.
Can high regulator pressures negatively affect pellet stability for a given speed vs. a softer Pressure with a lower reg setting?
Im beginning to think that even though the chrono will show the same speeds with both tubes, the high pressure / shorter valve sweep time might just be too much for light pellets out of my barrel.
Could it be possible that a 15-30 bar softer pressure would invoke better pellet stability?
Say I have a target pellet speed of 900fps for the .22 pellets. I can achieve the speed with both very high reg settings and low HST and with lower reg settings with higher HST.
Can high regulator pressures negatively affect pellet stability for a given speed vs. a softer Pressure with a lower reg setting?
Im beginning to think that even though the chrono will show the same speeds with both tubes, the high pressure / shorter valve sweep time might just be too much for light pellets out of my barrel.
Could it be possible that a 15-30 bar softer pressure would invoke better pellet stability?