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Results Registration for the 2016 A.A.F.T.A Nationals is now open.

Registration for the 2016 A.A.F.T.A. Nationals is now open.February 25 2016 at 2:24 PM

You can get to the registration form by clicking on the Southern Michigan Gun Club link below. 


You can also get there by going through our more "Air Gun Specific" site by clicking on the link for the Pneumatics new site. 


This is the site that will become information central for all our activities. We needed to have the registration process go through the main club site because they are acting as the bank on this deal. 

Here are some of the highlights of this years competition as they have developed so far. 

1.) The S.M.G.C. has authorized the funds for a brand new Air Tex 45 Compressor to support our air gun program. We will have at least a half dozen if not more tanks filled and at each course and sight in range at all times. all you will need is your fill fittings. 

2.) We have heeded the call to have a non-pork menu option available each day. We have hired an excellent local caterer to provide full hot dinners for Saturday and Sunday. 

Saturdays Menu: 

Tossed Italian Salad 
Spaghetti with Italian Meatballs (Beef) 
Green Beans with Toasted Almonds 
Baked Garlic Bread 

Sundays Menu: 

Caesar Salad 
Roasted Turkey with Stuffing 
Mashed Potatoes with Homemade Gravy 
Seasonal Fresh Vegetable Medley 
Freshly Baked Rolls with Butter 

We will also have bottled water and an ice cream treat available with each meal. 

Note: Non registered entourage can purchase a meal for both days for $30.00. (Must be accompanied by a registered shooter.) We will also have Decaff coffee available each morning. In addition we have a world class brownie baker on staff and I have told her that we will pop for as many baking supplies as she can bake! 

In addition the club has authorized funds for the following improvements for this year. 

1.) The purchase of more picnic tables and weather shelters. 

2.) The purchase of professional park-style reflective directional signage. 

3.) The purchase of a 24 hour illuminated flag pole. 

4.) The hiring of a professional videography service to record this year competition. 

So we are now just waiting for the weather to break so we can get back outside and start working on improving the lanes and infrastructure. 

As always, feel free to direct questions about directions, accommodations, our club, or South West Michigan in general to me personally. 

Direct all A.A.F.T.A. rules and policy questions to the board of governors for A.A.F.T.A. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone here next October if not sooner! 
