Regulating The Marauder Pistol

Everything about the P-rod had me sold. I put an AR stock on it, custom grips, and went to work tuning. Everything was great, but the tuning part. I struggled to get the gun to shoot a decent string. B-staley o-ring mod, porting, I tried all sorts of stuff, but never was happy with the tune. I would shoot the gun from time to time, but it just wasn't very accurate past 30 yards due to the 50-60fps spread just to get 24 shots at 740fps avg with 14.3 boxed premiers. I actually thought about selling it until I saw a post here on AGN by Nick at ASP. He posted about the new Huma P-rod regulator. I made a call to Nick inquiring about the regulator. After a long discussion, he was kind enough to send me one to try and to give feedback since it is a new product for him. WOW!! Did I say WOW??

I recieved the regulator yesterday as I was leaving for work. After along night at work (2nd shift 3:30pm-12am) I was anxious to return home and head to my shop!! I had thoughts of simply installing the reg and tuning, but I wanted to do some valve work and change a few things that I thought might be of benefit. After stripping the gun, I opened up the valve cap and put a tapered step on it to allow more volume and increase flow. I was going to slightly open the throat, but I ended up leaving it alone. I opened the exhaust port, transfer port, and barrel port to .125". I cleaned everything up, and started to reassemble. I already made my mind up that I was going to delete the gauge block and gauge to help increase volume. The regulator came with a plenum spacer that seal against the valve and the reg seals against it. This configuration allows the removal of the gauge block and no worries about sealing off the hole in the tube. After I had completely reassembled the gun, I had a small leak from the gauge hole in the tube. I dry fired about 20 times and topped the gun back to 3000psi and that solved the slight leak. Must of needed alittle pressure to get the seal on the plenum spacer. Since I removed the gauge, the only way to check for a pressure loss over night was to fill the gun back to 3000psi, close the valve on the tank, but not bleed the line. This allowed me a pressure gauge that I could inspect this morning for any change. It was still spot on 3000psi after 7 hours.

The only other change I made was replacing the stock hammer spring. I used a Mcmaster Carr spring .30 x .042x 1.5" long.

So, today I was ready to tune. I filled the gun to 3000psi and gave a couple of cranks on the hammer spring. I instantly got 16 shots at 735fps avg with an ES of 8 and an SD of 2. Though I was highly impressed, I had a goal of 24 shots (3 mags). After minimal fiddling, I had my tune done. 3000psi fill, 14.3gr crosman boxed premiers, 24 shots at 704fps avg ES 10fps and an SD of 2. With such a small amount of shots taken with the new regulator, I know it will tighten up even more as the reg breaks in.

Overall this has transformed my P-rod into exactly what I always wanted. I was always lacking a consistant tune that provided good accuracy. I have that NOW!! It is rather breezy today and the gun still stacks crosmans and the jsb jumbo rs as well. Due to the small ES, this gun now shoots to an accuracy level I didn't believe was possible. As easy as the reg is to install and the ease of getting awesome results, this is a must have for the prod!!
