FX Regulator Fail FX Impact Mk II?

If you decide to replace the reg take a look at the Huma regs. It does sound like you blew an oring in the reg.

I second this. The reg is creeping or failed. The huma stuff has been rock solid since I replaced the delrin amp regs I was asking too much from. Mk2 only just letting go is not bad run. If you aren't pushing your gun too hard the fx parts might suit you fine, or an oring or small part failed and it doesn't require a full replacement.
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I've never had this issue before, but I was having very strange behavior from my FX Impact Mk II today. I found that the plenum pressure was the same as the tank pressure. I'm assuming that my regulator has failed, but I wanted to see if anyone has other opinions about this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.
I had this exact same failure in my MkII Impact last year. When ordering a replacement, be aware that earlier MKII's had smaller regs than later models. As I recall, the earlier regs had 6mm pistons and the later models had 8mm pistons. Both of the factory regs had plastic pistons. The replacement 8mm reg shipped with a brass piston. It took some back and forth to get the proper replacement reg but it has worked flawlessly since.

Addendum: The reg body is sealed with an o-ring installed in the rifle. I suggest that you do not attempt to remove and replace this o-ring unless you are absolutely sure that it has failed, Replacement looks fairly easy in the video but, trust me, it's a nightmare.
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Huma makes great stuff and the owners of Huma along with their customer service are both superb👊👍👍!!
Just know that one day when your Huma reg needs servicing(like all regs do)that you’ll be dealing with this.
If you’re not the patient type that needs a haircut, then this reg is for you! Your hair will be all over your work bench, ha ha, and you’ll learn new cuss words!!
Just resealed one today. Patience is key. It’s working awesome