Regulator Installation & Results - Air Arms S510 (Pictures)

I really had never thought of getting a regulator especially after learning that I would need to put a hole in the air cylinder of my beloved S510 US. After seeing that shot string I'm really seriously thinking about it. Are there any negative with installing a regulator besides drilling a hole and reduced cylinder volume? Are there any other regulators on the market that someone like me should consider?
Other regulators don't require drilling of the cylinder. I have not used this type, but the idea of having an imperfect seal at one end for escaping air seems unreliable to me. I suppose they'd be closed down by now if this type of regulator was unreliable.

As long as you're not seeking a rifle with just a few high power shots, which is unlikely having bought an S510, I cannot think of any negatives to installing a regulator. Shot strings should be flat or slightly declining, with efficiency/consistent shot count increasing.
This is what i get with my regulated (previous version Robert Lane regulator) .177 S510 Carbine filled to 200 bar:
33-34 shots at 875-895 fps with 10.34 grain JSB Exact Heavy
The first 20 shots within 10-12 fps spread, and the last 13-14 shots within a total spread of 20 fps.

I use a hammer that weighs about 40 grams, about 10 grams lighter than the stock one. Ive tried to go lower, but the fps spread grows wider.
This modification (and some minor pressure adjustments) added the last 8-10 shots for "free"

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"Cayin"This is what i get with my regulated (previous version Robert Lane regulator) .177 S510 Carbine filled to 200 bar:
33-34 shots at 875-895 fps with 10.34 grain JSB Exact Heavy
The first 20 shots within 10-12 fps spread, and the last 13-14 shots within a total spread of 20 fps.

I use a hammer that weighs about 40 grams, about 10 grams lighter than the stock one. Ive tried to go lower, but the fps spread grows wider.
This modification (and some minor pressure adjustments) added the last 8-10 shots for "free"

Very Nice...I need to do this!
"RC-NL"Hi Matt

In your previous post about a comparison between the wolverine B type vs the air arms ultimate sporter you seem to have very different chrony data. In that post you get 29 shots with the ultimate sporter from 190-150 bar. In this post only about 21. Also the bell curve is ar a different place in the graph. What's changed?
In my previous post I changed the size of the transfer port to try flatten the curve a bit. That gave me slightly more shots and an average of 900 FPS. With the regulator installed, I tried to do the same thing and it was a bit of a fail:

I filled to 250 Bar for both these strings, and I lose about 40fps with the transfer port adjusted - But I don't save any air? No use lowering velocity if the gun's still using the same amount of air per shot!

Obviously the transfer port adjustment knob is NOT the best way to make fine adjustments. But since the S510 doesn't have any hammer, spring or valve adjustment options, I will have to do some "DIY" work on the hammer weight or spring length.
Matt, a fellow member from GTA regulated his S510 a few months back with great results. Here is some of his data and modifications.

Re: AA S510 Reg Project
 I have adjustment lock on high power , there is a little screw on a AAs510 which enables you to lock power adjustment in place.

I used the factory hammer spring and just shorten it one coil.

Did not modify any ports /passages did change valve spring to one a little stronger which came with RL regulator Robert sent me two different springs for this one weaker and one stronger than the one that came with gun.
Polished rail and hammer.

O PS regulator came set at 130 psi which in the end I set it at 150 psi which work out best for the FPS and shot count I wanted.

AA s510 now has polished rail and hammer One coil removed from hammer spring and a Robert Lane regulator.


Matt, a fellow member from GTA regulated his S510 a few months back with great results. Here is some of his data and modifications.

Re: AA S510 Reg Project
 I have adjustment lock on high power , there is a little screw on a AAs510 which enables you to lock power adjustment in place.

I used the factory hammer spring and just shorten it one coil.

Did not modify any ports /passages did change valve spring to one a little stronger which came with RL regulator Robert sent me two different springs for this one weaker and one stronger than the one that came with gun.
Polished rail and hammer.

O PS regulator came set at 130 psi which in the end I set it at 150 psi which work out best for the FPS and shot count I wanted.

AA s510 now has polished rail and hammer One coil removed from hammer spring and a Robert Lane regulator.

Thanks, that is some great info!
UPDATE: I totally forgot that the Regulator kit includes a spare valve return spring (slightly stronger than the factory one). This is necessary because the gun is now operating at a lower pressure, so the valve/hammer needs to be rebalanced. Lower pressure means that the valve doesn't close as quickly as it should and air is wasted.

Spring on the left is the factory spring. Spring on the right comes with the Lane reg.

The Yellow line shows results once the new spring is fitted. Interestingly, I don't get any more shots than with the factory spring (blue line). What is interesting is the slight increase in velocity as the cylinder pressure drops. There is a reason for this: As you take the shot, the regulator works extremely quickly to replace the air that was used. At a higher pressure, this air is replaced faster which means the valve closes faster. This can be sorted out quite easily by fitting a "collar" over the intake hole of the reg to reduce its size - This will slow down the fill speed of the regulated air chamber and ensure that the valve closes the same each time a shot is taken.

I shot a group at 50 Meters (55 Yards) with the reg installed. This is 13mm CTC, well under half an inch. I am pretty happy with the results. Now I just need to persuade Air Arms to regulate their rifles as standard:)
Great stuff to everyone that contributed to this thread.
I am looking at getting a 177 s510 ultimate sporter. I would probably shoot it mainly on the lower setting, around 12 fpe, but I don't want to have to fiddle around with hst, I find that kind of fiddling a bit...well fiddly. Can the reg and the new hammer spring be ordered to be able to just put it in and get good results, or there always be something that needs adjusting? Thanks
Very nice presentation and documentation. After reading this, I picked up a used s510 xtra .25. Will give it to a pro for a regulator installation , and whatever else he recommends to make it a very fine rifle. as soon as it arrives in the mail. Today or tomorrow!!! Thank you for convincing me to purchase the AA s510, while I wait for an FX Crown. I love your info and reviews. Tank you very much.