N/A Regulator Pressure versus FPS Curve?


Aug 7, 2024
Just wondering if anyone has plotted reg pressure versus FPS increase. Assuming you eliminate hammer I assume there is a sweet spot for reg pressure where you are maximizing air per unit of FPS. Like if you are at 150Bar and 900 FPS and you raise to 160 BAR ou get 940 FPS and you raise to 170 BAR you get 960, etc.

Im sure it differs by gun and ammo weight but I imagine there should be a point of diminishing returns once you get passed a certain REG pressure.

I do those types of plots as part of my preparation for tuning a new PCP. I call it "Finger Printing" the airgun.

For each projectile and PCP, there's an optimum hammer setting (just below where the curve flattens) for each regulator setting.

Starting low, I plot the optimum points while watching projectile stability. This graph gives me an idea of how the PCP reacts to the tuning. It takes a bit of time but saves time later.

Here's a sample from a .22/700mm FX Panthera...


And details at the low and high end...


I ended up tuning at 130 bar