RAW Rapid Remove safety on the HM1000X

I am wondering if anyone has removed the safety on their HM1000X? I use my RAW for benchrest only and have no need for the safety. I haven't taken the trigger group out of the rifle in a long time and can't remember if it easily comes out with a pin or if its even possible.
If the safety doesn’t affect your trigger pull?
why not just leave it??
Only picture I've got in my files is this ... A modified TM
A TM / BM trigger is exactly the same parts but the safety lever is omitted for these Competition gun applications.

A HM if X or otherwise is the same, so remove side cover, pull safety lever off post leaving the lever spring in place and there you have it. (y) ;)

Only picture I've got in my files is this ... A modified TM
A TM / BM trigger is exactly the same parts but the safety lever is omitted for these Competition gun applications.

A HM if X or otherwise is the same, so remove side cover, pull safety lever off post leaving the lever spring in place and there you have it. (y) ;)

View attachment 539882
Perfect, that is exactly what I was looking for.
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