Resizing slugs

The one on the right is straight out the box.
@Ta-Ta Toothie Ok But I’m wondering how you can enlarge the bushing concentrically so the slugs aren’t badly misshapen.
I didn't have a problem. I pushed a few through and all measured the same across the diameter. I'm just getting started with this, so testing will come soon. They are way to ruff out the box. Puts some pretty big scratches on the slugs. Heck, most of the slugs out the tins very greatly across the diameter. There are not concentric. NSA's
are the best so far.
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I have two of these pellet/slug gages in .22 and .25, but I don't trust them anymore.
Take a higher power jewellery lupe and have a closer look at the holes edges...these holes are lazercut and the burr at the edges will make it miss read.
Yeah, I noticed that they have to go through just right, but after resizing, that's no longer an issue. The ones straight out a tin are way too out of round for the gages. I just resized a tin of slugs, so I will try them out to see if it's worth it. They came out @ .2171 to .21705 across the diameter in 6 different spots.
Did you got the "size under" bushings stand alone or a full sizing kit? Tinkering to make it push in with finger, so far I don't see a business case to invest into a press as well. Pellets I am resizing "manually".
Just the stand alone components. I already had a press. Only problem pushing them through with your hands is, you will never get it started square into the die. Just my 2 cents. I hear you though for not wanting to invest in complete setup.