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Results Central Pa Airgun Match

The Holiday season and 28 degree weather did not slow down some of our spring gun bench rest competitors. When w started matches just about a year ago 26 and 27 where the good per target scores. Now the good scores are 28 and sbove. Steel sharpens steel. Those who have kept practicing and refining their skills are seeing their scores creeping up. When we went to the half point bonus system our first winning scores was 53.0. That's not even close to our third place score today of 54.5 by our top Senior, Nick Wacher. You get to be a senior when you hit 80, getting smaller in Nicks review mirror. First place with 56.5 was JeffGates squeaking past Sam Salyards in second with a 55.5. Naomi Gates who won 2 matches ago was home baking and sent in freshly baked Blueberry Muffins everyone enjoyed. Next match with our new rules( see the attached flyer ) will be January 18, 2025. Come join the fun. If your a new springer shooter or maybe a frustrated spring gun shooter come see how successful shooters are doing well. Merry Christmas to all and remember the real reason for the season. Pics.....
Results, winning setup, and next years rules/flyer. Winning gun AirArms TX200, Hawke scope, JBS 8.44 pellets.
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