Level on the gun, plumb Bob for the scope. It's worked for me for 50 plus years.
Where on the gun?

I use a tool that engages on both the scope and action/barrel to establish a vertical plane on the rifle. Other “horizontal” surfaces often, are not actually square.

In this example the crosshairs are absolutely aligned with a plumb bob line downrange.

Tools designed to center over the objective and barrel take some things for granted. They assume the center of the reticle is in the exact center of the bell, and that the barrel is perfectly straight and that the bore is also concentric to the OD. I have an annoying 2nd place plaque from a GP where I missed half of my 10-12y easy shots after relying on the Wheeler Engineering reticle alignment tool to set up my scope alignment. Lesson learned.

Like a broken clock...they can give to good info once in a while.

I was playing with many scopes in recent years and I had to mount all of those just to figure which would be a keeper.
Tried many ideas from all over the web, and came up with (or invented) my own process .... combining things. And a lot of 3d printed tools, fixtures...

Some of my old pictures:





Mirror method and see through mirrors.

Flashlight method - I would like this one but the best coatings on scopes cuts the flashlight out ;(

And btw, if I would need to start bitchin about best and recommended scope rings and bubbles - this thread would never end.

From now on I am using only rings that are not horizontal split ;) and I started liking in single piece mounts.
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