Retired members here?

First year of retirement after 34 years of UPS
2 new rifles and a ton of support equipment
i'd better slow it down a little in Year 2
I do need to move to a place where i can do a little forging and shooting
Hopefully get a smithy going again and make some knives
still working on getting my accuracy as sharp as my knives
My best cut was through 10" of hemp rope, bound together, with an 11" cutting edge, 17" overall bowie i made. in a single swipe ..with witnesses..was a dream cut
Quit working full time 9 years ago and been part time, mostly from home since. I told the current company I'm with that I was done at the end of last year but agreed to help finish 1 project I was involved with so I'm still working from home a few hours a week. I used to think that once I retired or cut back I would spend a lot more time fishing but that hasn't happened. Unfortunately, it seems all my fishing partners are now deceased or infirm. I still get out by myself some but launching and loading my boat by myself isn't as easy as it was a few years ago so I can talk myself out of going pretty easily....... too windy, too calm, might rain, too cold, too hot, launch ramp too busy, too many other boats out, etc. 😆LOL
Only 64 1/2 Too young to retire yet. Maybe after I get in shape?
:unsure: ;)

Quit working full time 9 years ago and been part time, mostly from home since. I told the current company I'm with that I was done at the end of last year but agreed to help finish 1 project I was involved with so I'm still working from home a few hours a week. I used to think that once I retired or cut back I would spend a lot more time fishing but that hasn't happened. Unfortunately, it seems all my fishing partners are now deceased or infirm. I still get out by myself some but launching and loading my boat by myself isn't as easy as it was a few years ago so I can talk myself out of going pretty easily....... too windy, too calm, might rain, too cold, too hot, launch ramp too busy, too many other boats out, etc. 😆LOL
Game wardens hassle ing.
Quit working full time 9 years ago and been part time, mostly from home since. I told the current company I'm with that I was done at the end of last year but agreed to help finish 1 project I was involved with so I'm still working from home a few hours a week. I used to think that once I retired or cut back I would spend a lot more time fishing but that hasn't happened. Unfortunately, it seems all my fishing partners are now deceased or infirm. I still get out by myself some but launching and loading my boat by myself isn't as easy as it was a few years ago so I can talk myself out of going pretty easily....... too windy, too calm, might rain, too cold, too hot, launch ramp too busy, too many other boats out, etc. 😆LOL
Wish I had all the time back I wasted on the, I'm done with fishing. after a few close to 10lbs there's nothing left to prove.
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Retired 8 years ago at the tender age of 50, you can do that as a Dane for health reasons, though these days it is harder CUZ for many - many years it was a end all solution by social workers when they failed in getting some lazy punk to get a job.
Okay due to these punks it is pretty damn hard to get early retirement, i was put thru the ringer for 5 years before i was granted it, and that's actually fast.
They will run you thru increasing work ability tests, doctors / tests ASO, in some cases the people getting tested are so far gone they need to have a bed at the job site where they can go and lie down when they feel like it.

I knew PPL probably around 65 today, that have worked less in their entire life than the number of days i have called in sick to my job in the 34 years i was on the force.

If i became the dictator here, things would change.

I like this speech.

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Retired 8 years ago at the tender age of 50, you can do that as a Dane for health reasons, though these days it is harder CUZ for many - many years it was a end all solution by social workers when they failed in getting some lazy punk to get a job.
Okay due to these punks it is pretty damn hard to get early retirement, i was put thru the ringer for 5 years before i was granted it, and that's actually fast.
They will run you thru increasing work ability tests, doctors / tests ASO, in some cases the people getting tested are so far gone they need to have a bed at the job site where they can go and lie down when they feel like it.

I knew PPL probably around 65 today, that have worked less in their entire life than the number of days i have called in sick to my job in the 34 years i was on the force.

If i became the dictator here, things would change.

I like this speech.

I have a good friend that retired at 55, he's chilling in the hills right now.
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well i put in all the time i could, but dont have much but a public pension to show for it.
But ! serve me right, i should have been smarter.
Mind you when i get to be 70 and enter the actual pension age, my pension will drop to about 1/3 of what it is now, but then smart as this country is, i can apply for all kinds of support tying up countless bean counters, and then get about the same in pension.

Forgot to mention for public sectors,,,, i think only Norway have us Danes beaten, about 800.000 here work on the tax payers dime, thats about 1(3 of the work force :cautious:
well i put in all the time i could, but dont have much but a public pension to show for it.
But ! serve me right, i should have been smarter.
Mind you when i get to be 70 and enter the actual pension age, my pension will drop to about 1/3 of what it is now, but then smart as this country is, i can apply for all kinds of support tying up countless bean counters, and then get about the same in pension.

Forgot to mention for public sectors,,,, i think only Norway have us Danes beaten, about 800.000 here work on the tax payers dime, thats about 1(3 of the work force :cautious:
No going back now.
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Retired at the end of 2021. I’ll be 60 in October. Had a career at sea as a marine engineer. Not military, but a civilian sailor. Living in the northern part of Minnesota, in the woods. Been airgunning since 2017.

Shooting competition benchrest against rimfires this year. They are afraid of my 1st gen Impact at 50 yards and I’m only able to play at 100 yards (unlimited class). I suck, but I train with the top 2 rim fire shooters in the state. I shoot a CZ 457 at 50 yards. I suck at that also.

I hunt grouse with a regulated Gamo Coyote, and my wife will be hunting grouse with an Umerex Notos with a red dot this year.
I retired in about 1984 which is another way of saying I started doing work i enjoy because if I don’t like what I’m doing I usually don’t do it very well. I’m actually retirement age but don’t tell my wife.

Rick H.
I taking it you were young when you retired 40 years Won the lottery?