Retired members here?

Officially I retired November 1, 2019. My last work day was two weeks earlier, they let me use a little of the vacation I had coming. Over 40 years with the employer I selected when I graduated college in 1979. Fortunately for me they had a pension until the last couple years and that is providing me a nice retirement income.

I bought my first PCP in the spring of 2020. I have owned a Blue Streak for more like 50 years but it isn't nearly as much fun to shoot as my PCPs. It's a fun new hobby for retirement. My degree is in engineering and I enjoy figuring them out.
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Retired at the end of 2017 followed by 3 years part time, then got out of prison. They called me back by phone and told them NO! Missourah is the lowest paying state for corrections, ditto for retirement. So I do my "Warden's bidding" each day at home. Do some Meals On Wheels deliveries, Church, and other stuff. I fling pellets in between that stuff. Be Well and God Bless you public service and military folks, Bandito
Retired at the end of 2017 followed by 3 years part time, then got out of prison. They called me back by phone and told them NO! Missourah is the lowest paying state for corrections, ditto for retirement. So I do my "Warden's bidding" each day at home. Do some Meals On Wheels deliveries, Church, and other stuff. I fling pellets in between that stuff. Be Well and God Bless you public service and military folks, Bandito
I say God bless all the working men and women for they are the ones that keep this country and others afloat.
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retired being a "house husband ' will be challenging , been there done that ! just go with the flow for the few years . I made her " life ,still working ",as easy as possible . it will pay off big time when she retires .
It will be, especially since my wife works from home. She can monitor my activity.
Retired in 2002 and shortly open a air gun shop and was a Beeman dealer along with others. Mostly a try state customer purchasers. Did sell a number of QB78 power modified rifles. Was more fun than a money making adventure, but met a nice bunch of people! Now I’ve have accumulated about 80 air guns and enjoy shooting some almost daily! Charles
Married 54 years , retired 13 , she does the laundry and pays the bills , I mow the lawn and outside work . Together we cook and clean / she cooks i clean OR I cook she cleans . (dishes from cooking i mean ) we split most chores house cleaning , food store together shopping . This has worked for 54 years .
Retired four years ago. I owned a courrier service and did 200 miles a day in town driving! Twenty years was enough!! Im 70 now enjoying airguns and powder burners. you are not really retired till you wake up dont know what day it is and DONT CARE!!!!:ROFLMAO:
yeah this describes me , this chat is the only way i know what day it is , or the weather if i happen to look .
I'm assuming the majority of members here are retired. Or if I'm wrong what is a good guess on the percentage of retired airguners?
Just guessing by reading a lot of the posts on when people are shooting or out farting around during the
Hopefully I'll get there one day and join in on the
been retired 8 years. Nothing better.