Retired members here?

but no carpenter
Like i said building my new shot shed, i am a carpretender, which mean i can get wood to stick together and it not looking too shabby, but it would probably fail any kind of inspection.

The new shed though just passed thru the strongest summer storm in 34 years, with flying colors it seem, i am still going to put some form of shudder closing contraption on the shudders on the 4 lanes.

Dunno what the hell happened today, but my right shoulder are sore as a SOB, though it do not get worse when i use it / flex it,,,, so i dunno.
I'm assuming the majority of members here are retired. Or if I'm wrong what is a good guess on the percentage of retired airguners?
Just guessing by reading a lot of the posts on when people are shooting or out farting around during the
Hopefully I'll get there one day and join in on the
I retired last year when I was 63 and finally enjoying life,lol all of it. your pretty perceptive.
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Well for me if I were to move, it would be as far away from any big city as possible.
I retired in 2015, after almost 40 years, and immediately started an HVAC business just as a hobby. Had no idea it would blossom like it has. Today, I work when I want, take weeks at a time off and then work for a while. It is great, keeps me young and mentally fit. It also allows me to shoot all I want, when I want. I just turned 67 and I'll think about quitting in a couple years. I've done all I want.
Retired in 2017 at age 58 ... started working at age 14 giving up ALL my weekends to work 6-7 hrs a day.
It was a bit premature driven by a crap economy and self employed. Thus the AG tuning business of Motorheads AG was for a few years a required continued self employment. Now Collecting my SS and on Medicare it's all pretty much behind me and getting to relax a bit more.
Oops missed this one. 🙂
Fully retired last November, state and pension from the firm.

Pension age dilemma, stay in Europe, return to Africa or retire to Thailand etc. decisions.

Decision made, many discussions and emotional moments with the wife. We need to be closer to aging family.

Last of my savings will be used to purchase a small house in county Durham, England.

My wife was born there, I went to university there. The home coming ☺️.

Not something that will happen overnight, but the wheels are in motion

Sub 12 ft lbs on the horizon. 😉. Life and choices.
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