Return on investment: is $ / critter the right measure?

How do you think about the return on your hunting investment? Talking with the treasurer recently about the next purchase, night vision. She asked how much I have spent per critter. I replied that gets it backwards - better to think of reasonable ways to bump up the critter count (numerator), and let that drive $ in the denominator. 

The starling I dropped cold recently from way, way up in a tree, in a 10mph wind was a great return on the investment in my FX Impact .177. This gun has me looking out all of my windows for critters that I never gave a second glance. In the last month alone, a few dozen vermin would still be roaming the hood if I had stayed with my trusty Sheridan Blue Streak (all time leader on critter count) or one of my springers.

While it would drive up the count I am mixed on the night vision investment. Too cold outside now, and the 10m basement range is a nice place to hang out. I've invested a lot on that lane that adds nothing to the critter count. 
A] Unless your problems ONLY come out at night and they are BIG problems I don't see the ROI in night vision B] In terms of ROI for hunting are you actually hunting or are you doing pest control because the ROI is measured differently. "Hunting" while a broadly used term is generally meant to imply killing something you can eat. So spending money to kill one dear or one elk or 5 pigs a year over many years that you are all going to eat could be a very good ROI and a good investment. "Pesting" usually implied killing something that is causing a problem that is not considered a game animal.

The ROI could be measured in the number of pests of eliminated OR the value of the damage stopped even is the pest count is low. You could have 50 mice in your yard that are causing a nuisance but no real damage so getting all 50 would be a good ROI since the damage is low OR you could have 3 squirrels tearing up your attic or veggie garden so those are much higher "value" targets you are trying to eliminate even though your target count is low.

In general the ROI of you "hunting/pesting" should equipment be a function of the cost of that equipment against the value of the results of using that equipment PLUS the fun factor you get from using and owning the equipment and it' hard to put a true ROI on that but I suspect that is always high!
As an engineer, I generally hate to discount the value in numbers. But NV provides hunting/pesting opportunities that simply aren't possible.

Every time I use my ATN THOR 4 384 1.25-5x Thermal Scope, it brings a huge smile on my face that assures me the huge price tag for the scope was well worth it!

In this video, I couldn't see absolutely anything with my naked eyes as it was pitch black! Lucky, my thermal scope sees heat, so it was impossible for prey to hide.
Value is variable to the shooter. 

Do I value killing a group of coons living my attic versus killing squirrels and rats hitting my bird feeder. 

I definitely value killing animals living in my attic.

Aside from that my investment is based upon less than pragmatic ideals.

I enjoy shooting varmints more than paying my bills. But I value paying my bills ore than eviction 🤣
How do you think about the return on your hunting investment? Talking with the treasurer recently about the next purchase, night vision. She asked how much I have spent per critter. I replied that gets it backwards - better to think of reasonable ways to bump up the critter count (numerator), and let that drive $ in the denominator.

The starling I dropped cold recently from way, way up in a tree, in a 10mph wind was a great return on the investment in my FX Impact .177. This gun has me looking out all of my windows for critters that I never gave a second glance. In the last month alone, a few dozen vermin would still be roaming the hood if I had stayed with my trusty Sheridan Blue Streak (all time leader on critter count) or one of my springers.

While it would drive up the count I am mixed on the night vision investment. Too cold outside now, and the 10m basement range is a nice place to hang out. I've invested a lot on that lane that adds nothing to the critter count.
MG. I'll chime in here, I'm now on my 3rd NV unit. Not thermal, only day/night scopes w/ extra IR lights . I used to scoff at illuminated reticles till I was asked to control a rat problem at one of the dairy farm' s dry cow barns. I went on to buy a red lens spotlight , which was a big plus. Next I sold an airgun to my Brother which funded an ATN LTV scope . WOW ! That brought me into true night time pesting ! Realizing I had more than one gun that had helped out in day shooting , I went for a One Leaf NV100 unit to attach to these guns. It works OK , but w/ limitations (scope relocating or severe eye relief restrictions ). It can be used as a stand alone spotting unit also. Now am on a second ATN unit , A Pro model . None of these have been used to record or take still pictures , I'm not techie enough to recover or post such things anyway ( I'd have to get a neighborhood elementary school kid to do that ). BUT , my point is that if it makes your other investments earn their keep even better & provide a better service to your " clients", then go for it !! I heard the same response from my CFO/CEO of the castle a few times over these 42 yr.s about my PB "toys" & associated equipment ( you can only shoot one at a time, won' t that do the same thing , you got another one , etc.etc.) She shakes her head , or gives me THE look & moves on, claiming I'm still loved ,BUT ! Oh & btw , I'm to have a AirMax Katran dropped off today . A get well gift to myself for tomorrows knee surgery and my other shoulder replacement scheduled for June. After all , you have to keep up ( & lighten up ) !
For any hobby, I think the right measure is $/hours enjoyment. If I were to play golf again, I would spend maybe $50 on greens fees and cart rental and $20 on balls I would loose to get a couple hours, maybe 3 at my pace, enjoyment. So more than $20/hr. Ignoring the clubs and other one time expenditures. If I go shoot for an hour, I use part of a tin of pellets. Much cheaper.
Kinda like deer hunters. One spends 1000's on a rifle and scope the other 500$. The 1000+$ hunter shoots 1 trophy deer on a game farm the 500$ hunter shoots 1 nice rack and some spikes to fill the freezer. A lot comes down to trying to look big or just being practical.

You know that thread here on best gun for
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As for the night vision investment, it's important to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks.

As to ROI- Going from gun mounted spotlights to thermal on the powder burners increased my annual coyote average 350%+ on the property. From 4-6 to an average of 20/year...not counting going out looking for them.
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I have an ATN 4K Pro 5-20 that was bought for night shooting. Couple of nights out with it and it became clear night hunting is an ambush game. Too much sitting doing nothing and waiting and waiting. It got taken off the gun and has sat on my bench ever since.
I worked nights for 10 years getting my business started. I like to sleep at night and ambush hunting is not my style. I just had to spend the money on a night capable scope to figure that out. Now it is a dust magnet.