Do you use the same suppressor for multiple guns or do you get each gun it's own?
If however he meant the segmented buckrail I compared it against my Silent Thunder Accipitor. This was on RAW 1000xIf by the segmented one you mean Impulse Air. I have the 1350 model on my Raw and it works very well. I had a Donny FL tanto that I tried on it but it was still too loud for my liking. So I put an Impulse air on it with one extra segment and it’s now muffled properly.
buckrail is quality stuff for the price range but if you really want quiet, you have to make it.Yes , but another coming. I went cheap at first with 2 buckrails, works depending on gun.
so five guns three mods. Have Silent Thunder Ordnance accipiter now and a Huma coming .
Another gun coming so I’ll always have to move them
To conform to forum rules, please delete your reply and PM me, we can talk via email.I know nothing on how 3d printers work, how do you get the plans fot the printer to be able to print them