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reuse suppressors

I have one suppressor on each PCP I own but recently I bought a Donny fatboy which comes with swappable pieces and can be used with caliber's from 177-30cal. works great on my wildcat.

If by the segmented one you mean Impulse Air. I have the 1350 model on my Raw and it works very well. I had a Donny FL tanto that I tried on it but it was still too loud for my liking. So I put an Impulse air on it with one extra segment and it’s now muffled properly.
If however he meant the segmented buckrail I compared it against my Silent Thunder Accipitor. This was on RAW 1000x
I had the buckrail on and it helped but then put the Accipitor on which was very noticeably quieter.
Yes , but another coming. I went cheap at first with 2 buckrails, works depending on gun.
so five guns three mods. Have Silent Thunder Ordnance accipiter now and a Huma coming .
Another gun coming so I’ll always have to move them
buckrail is quality stuff for the price range but if you really want quiet, you have to make it.