Other Reximex 22 caliber few notes

Got my 22 intoday , It fells good in the hand , I even kinda like the trigger for just being out of the box, The magazines SUCK what a huge hassle to load the magazine, I got fiddle fart with the hagazine to get it loaded in the gun, first try took me 10 minutes, second try was maybe 15 minutes , So far a perfect gun that suck with the magazine ,, I have only shot 20 pellets so far at 30 feet, The barrel was one of the cleanest I have ever got , Sure it was dirty but a few pulls and it was clean, I would reall give the gun a 10 if the dam magazine was easy, Maybe some has secrets they will let me on... Off hand shooting did not try the shoulder doodad , I
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Ok people its not loading pellets in the mag, Its putting the mag in the gun, Any way I spent all day shooting this pistol, I like it a lot, If the mag issue was not bothering me I would be all over this gun again, , I like the bun better than my PP750, It does not have the power of the PP , It shoots nice, If I could find a fix for the mag I would order a 177 at a drop of a hat, BUT, Fun it across my crono and I came up at 550 FPS shooting trash can pellets 22 18 gr H&N baracuda.
The H&N just dont shoot pinpoint in any of my rifles,, They work great for killing cans,,,
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Ok I sent this pistol back to Pyramyd air and got another one , Took about a week, Had the second Reximex pistol for 4 days and it is leaking,
Did I say I really like this pistol, I do and maybe the third pistol will be the one!!! Or get a refund and move on to the new AGT pistol for about double the price , Or should I take a brand new gun apart and try to fix it myself?? Maybe I need to ask Pyramyd to air the gun up and see if it leaks, I can wait a day or two for a leak test... Did I say I really like the pistol? Is it just cheap 0 rings or is there a major problem with this gun? What would you do??
You would think that if you sent a leaker back that Pyramid would air up the replacement to make sure it’s not leaking. Would save them postage. Personally I’d send it back & id mark it to make sure they just didn’t send me the same leaker back. I’d give it 3 times & if I didn’t get a good one I’d get a refund.

My 2 cents worth
OK, I got hold of PA support, Ask me if I wanted a refund or another gun, It was that simple, He did ask that I try and silicone the probe up and air it up and dry fire a few times and see if leak stops ,, I did just that, Got up this morning and the pistol had only leaked out maybe 25 % of the air, Better but still a leak.
I will try it again a couple of times before Monday as I cant ship until Monday anyway...
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You will like it, Hope you ordered from PA, I like this gun so much I would order a 177 with the 22 but my old fingers and eyes have problems with the tiny 177 pellets, I do have three 177 bullpup PCPs , But my Huben GKl pistols are 22, and 25, I have a PP750 an P 700 in 22 caliber also,
I did order it from PA. Did you put a ballon on the barrel? I might also make sure the guag is tight.
You got a lot of post under that title, anyone that I need to look at?
There are my initial posts, disappointments thereafter and a final solution provided my @thammer …. Am not saying my experience is endemic of the model. Simply posted up my experiences with it.

Thanks, Both my pistols shoot very accurate, Its really why I hate sending it back . Its PAs money with shipping and all, Its temping to get hold of this Hammer guy and ask him to just put all new O-rings in, On my dollar of course . I am pretty sure that's the problem cheap O rings in the gun, I not taking apart a new pistol , I done screwed up my 22 Huben GKl trying to reset the stricker , Its going back to Kelly, but that's going to be $ out of my pocket . I am just not having luck with my pistols, Well no problem with my GKl 25 V3 or my PP750 or 700 , , I am really not ready to give up on the reximex , I like shooting it , Just checked the pistol after airing it up all the way about seven hours ago, Its down to zero pressure ,,,
I have got notes from PA talking to them asking to do a leak test before sending the 3ed gun, Also put a note in the return box with the return number,,
I just got a note from PA ,,_)(*(&*()*^%%$#$#$@@#$(()*&*&*
Hi Mike,

'''''I have included the tracking information for your replacement below. It appears that a leak test was not conducted on the replacement. Please be assured that if you encounter any issues, we have a 30-day defective policy in place. Can I assist you with anything else? Have a nice day!'''''''
It so much cheaper for them to email tag you and keep paying the back and forth shipping cost ..

Then you think about that ... Must be none of the guns they got can pass or can they fix . Just keep sending you another till your happy or just give up ..lol. P.A "P"pretty "A"sinine .

Use to be most go to ... now please go away ..lol