Reximex TORMENTA puts in the work

Another quick trip to the squirrel-lands. The TORMENTA continues to impress me. I love a gun that makes you look good 😉. The .25 TORMENTA is a smooth shooting, pleasant companion that puts about 38-ish fpe into my targets. The Donny FL Tatsu in .25 is very nice addition to the system.

This one went to heaven so fast that he still had the nut clenched in his jaw.

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Shoot'em good :D
That was from 41 yards. I took a detour down an offset in the field that I have not frequented. It was pretty close to the boundary of the property, so I took my time to ensure any pass through (or pass-by) would be contained where I have permission to shoot.

That little gun gets 40 usable shots per fill in .25, I happen to have 4x10 shot mags. It works out really nicely for trips on the atv. Full gun, full mags and go. No support stuff other than laser range finder and some 10x binos.

Was not a headshot, rather a neck/shoulder shot. I prefer the massive Central Nervous System shock for quick removals. The head shots do pop nicely, though. Break that spine and the system goes haywire. When all four legs are trying to go different directions, the quarry does not get far.
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