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Ridiculous Classified Ads... "Get a Clue!!"

Is it just me are or some of these Classifieds posts just ridiculous?? Here's a little advice... If your post has been viewed over 5000 times (not a typo, yes 5K times) and your item still hasn't sold one of two things are the issue. #1 - It's something no one wants or #2 - You are so ridiculously overpriced it's never going to sell!
Please do everyone a favor and just close the posting and keep your stuff. Everyday it's up just occupies a slot on the more recent and relevant posts and makes you look even more like a complete Idiot..

Is it just me are or some of these Classifieds posts just ridiculous?? Here's a little advice... If your post has been viewed over 5000 times (not a typo, yes 5K times) and your item still hasn't sold one of two things are the issue. #1 - It's something no one wants or #2 - You are so ridiculously overpriced it's never going to sell!
Please do everyone a favor and just close the posting and keep your stuff. Everyday it's up just occupies a slot on the more recent and relevant posts and makes you look even more like a complete Idiot..

How do you see how many times somebody has viewed a post?
Is it just me are or some of these Classifieds posts just ridiculous?? Here's a little advice... If your post has been viewed over 5000 times (not a typo, yes 5K times) and your item still hasn't sold one of two things are the issue. #1 - It's something no one wants or #2 - You are so ridiculously overpriced it's never going to sell!
Please do everyone a favor and just close the posting and keep your stuff. Everyday it's up just occupies a slot on the more recent and relevant posts and makes you look even more like a complete Idiot..


Preach. I don't view classifieds often due to the fact I don't buy second hand airguns or equipment personally, but when I do view that section, I get a giggle from a few of the posts.

How about the influencers or hobbyist that post 12 items or bump 12 items at once, basically dominating the entire front page, instead of consolidating their sales into 1, 2 or even 3 posts?
Is it just me are or some of these Classifieds posts just ridiculous?? Here's a little advice... If your post has been viewed over 5000 times (not a typo, yes 5K times) and your item still hasn't sold one of two things are the issue. #1 - It's something no one wants or #2 - You are so ridiculously overpriced it's never going to sell!
Please do everyone a favor and just close the posting and keep your stuff. Everyday it's up just occupies a slot on the more recent and relevant posts and makes you look even more like a complete Idiot..

It's the latter, also this post used to have like 25 replies so it's been refreshed lol
Some with a 1/2 page of the same unsold items. When they update 10 or more at a time, your item falls off the first page in only a couple of hours.
There should be some rules about the number of items you can have active at a time or the number of times an item can be updated before a meaningful price reduction.

The classifieds should be a place for all members to exchange, not an unofficial store front for a few.
Some with a 1/2 page of the same unsold items. When they update 10 or more at a time, your item falls off the first page in only a couple of hours.
There should be some rules about the number of items you can have active at a time or the number of times an item can be updated before a meaningful price reduction.

The classifieds should be a place for all members to exchange, not an unofficial store front for a few.

Yea I was tempted to voice this in the Forum Feedback section but honestly I don't have the energy. Lots of people give backlash with any sound reasonable ideas, and rarely do suggestions come to fruition.

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Some with a 1/2 page of the same unsold items. When they update 10 or more at a time, your item falls off the first page in only a couple of hours.
There should be some rules about the number of items you can have active at a time or the number of times an item can be updated before a meaningful price reduction.

The classifieds should be a place for all members to exchange, not an unofficial store front for a few.
@Airgun Nation I think the above quote throughly sums up the sentiments expressed by the majority of members commenting here. Can anything be done to address the issues?
This topic could go back and fourth all day forever.
Who cares really, let people ask what they want. If further policing is what you want, go elsewhere. Its an open forum, lets keep it open and free!! So many rules and rulers......reason to bitch and complain, just scroll on by and let it be. Support the extremely small community, not bash it.
This topic could go back and fourth all day forever.
Who cares really, let people ask what they want. If further policing is what you want, go elsewhere. It’s an open forum, let’s keep it open and free!! So many rules and rulers......reason to bitch and complain, just scroll on by and let it be. Support the extremely small community, not bash it.
@Bramezy By this same logic, “so many laws. Let’s do away with some of them. Let people do what they want. Who cares if people drink and drive? Let them do what they want. Everyone has something to complain about. So many rules and rulers….” Blah blah blah.

In all seriousness your argument is nullified by the terms and rules that you and others here agreed upon when you joined so this forum. I don’t believe it has ever been “open and free.” Why attempt mislead people into believing false claims that appear to be a result of your personal (mis)interpretation of said rules?