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Rifle and pistol "mix and match" match

Match director Martin O' (a.k.a. Oakhonor) came up with a clever way to incorporate a FT pistol match into our regular monthly rifle match for those interested and it worked perfectly.

Pistol FT is limited to 12 fpe, 12x scopes and 35 yard targets so Martin instructed his minions to paint a handful of target faceplates yellow and, for any lane containing a rifle target at longer ranges, place one yellow "pistol target" in that lane at approx 40 yards (yes, he stretched pistol a bit).

Rifle and pistol shooters all shot together at the same targets until a lane with a yellow target was reached where pistol shooters were instructed to shoot the yellow and rifle shooters instructed to ignore it and shoot the further, regular painted target.

All shooters got in the same number of shots, the match moved along at a regular pace and everyone seemed to enjoy the mixing. Looks like 3 or 4 regular rifle participants will convert at least part time to the new challenge of pistol FT.
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Kudos to Martin for recognizing the red-headed step-child of Field Target. (y) Thank you.

A few anecdotes, just FWIW.

Although Pistol FT growth has been slow, sometimes painfully so, since inception (around Y2K) it has been relatively steady. Some larger events now have over half the shooters also entering the pistol event. At the 2024 TEXtreme Field Target State Championships (the first weekend of December) we actually had as many Extreme Pistol shooters as Rifle shooters (14 in each competition) :oops:. 😁

As if rifle FT isn't challenging enough, and FT match directors don't already have enough on their plates, Pistol FT is even more challenging for shooters and match directors alike; be that accommodating pistol shooters in the same event and course as rifle shooters, or stand-alone pistol matches.

With many of the best Pistol Field Target shooters attending my high-Troyer pistol matches, in our 20 foot-pound (maximum) pistol matches I've been allowing folks to shoot any airgun within that power limit, be it pistol or rifle. That lets non-pistol shooters and/or rifle shooters seeking more trigger-time in match conditions, more shooting opportunities in relatively low rifle-Troyer matches. Think sproinger, Co2, and/or multi-pump rifle FUN; hence the 'Fun Rifle' class name. Interestingly, none of the Fun Rifle shooters have cleaned a pistol course yet despite the rifle Troyer being in the high 20s (mid-40s pistol).

In the quarter-century since Pistol Field Target inception there have been quite impressive improvements in not only shooter skills, but equipment evolution(s). Consequently, Pistol rules have been something of a moving target.

We originally had a maximum target distance of 25 yards, minimum KZ diameter of 3/4", and course Troyer difficulties in the high 20s to mid 30s. But as shooters converted their (temperature-hypersensitive) Co2 pistols to high-pressure air, embraced more sophisticated RIFLE scopes, and bipods were allowed, the maximum target distance went to 30, then 35 yards (for AAFTA Pistol), the minimum KZ shrank to 1/2", and Pistol course Troyers climbed into the 40s. Top pistol shooters now routinely score as well as the average rifle shooters in RIFLE matches.

Somewhere along the Pistol Field Target history time-line some lunatic decided if 12 foot-pound (maximum) pistols and 35 yard maximum distances are fun, then 20 foot-pound pistols and 55 yard distances might be FUNNER. :unsure: He not only ripped-off the AAFTA rifle power-limit of 20 foot-pounds, Hunter rifle scope magnification limit of 16X, and maximum AAFTA rifle target distance of 55 yards, but also ripped-off the term 'Extreme' from somewhere to name the (then) new Pistol FT competition. The maniac was right; and now runs the asylum. 🤪

How right, you ask?

Ask Brocock, RAW, HW, and countless pistol FT shooters why they build and SELL 20 foot-pound pellet pistols capable of 1/2" groups at 55 yards.

RAW pistol.jpeg


Bro Pis final.jpg

History proves genius often mistaken for lunacy.

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