Rink Grips

The original IZH grips felt much too blocky, so I using my Ring grips as a eyeballed pattern, took the IZH grips off and started first with a coarse round rasp, then a fine one then coarse sandpaper progressing to 600grit. Basically I cut two finger grooves on the left side of the right hand grips, where my three fingers(other than trigger finger) wrap around, one for the big finger then a wider one to accomadet the two smaller fingers, blended them in to the stock and it feels so much better, not like holding a piece of lumber in the hand. I also took a little off the top of the palm rest as it seemed to be crowding my hand, even in the lowet position. Right now they are outside drying after the first coat of Birchwood Case Genuine Oil, which is a more satin finish.
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