Røm Twinmaster (Top) cylinder

Bought this without doing my homework. It’s a 2001 produced Twinmaster PCP, but even if it is (claimed to be) barely used, the cylinder should have been replaced many years ago. I have searched high and low (worldwide), but no help out there.
It seems that there is no after market for spare parts for this gun, at least I am not able to track any.
So I take a shot here:
Anyone know who to contact?
Or if there is a way around this, a converter or something that could be used for an alternative cylinder?



you have a hand pump to use ? just try it . they do not Blow up just a leak would develop . If worried just pump to lower part of green on gage leave over night
look at gage in the AM IF the same then shoot down to low , repump a bit higher . the tanks are built to hold much much higher pressures , they do not Rot away . IF it was me that is what i would do . Another place is http://www.pilkguns.com/ although USA maybe look at Morini for sale to find a shop closer to you . like i said that looks like a Morini tube and pump attachment .
you have a hand pump to use ? just try it . they do not Blow up just a leak would develop . If worried just pump to lower part of green on gage leave over night
look at gage in the AM IF the same then shoot down to low , repump a bit higher . the tanks are built to hold much much higher pressures , they do not Rot away . IF it was me that is what i would do . Another place is http://www.pilkguns.com/ although USA maybe look at Morini for sale to find a shop closer to you . like i said that looks like a Morini tube and pump attachment .
Will test the hand pump solution. Awaiting a new fill probe from Best Fittings. UK
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So, my understanding is that, technically, tubes under 1.5" (or close to that) do not need to be certified. Honestly if it's in good shape I wonder worry.

I have a CO2 Twinmaster coming my way that I can't wait to shoot.
I think I will follow Beerthiev’s advise, and (carefully) test the cylinder that came with the gun, when the probe from Best Fittings arrive.
Bought this without doing my homework. It’s a 2001 produced Twinmaster PCP, but even if it is (claimed to be) barely used, the cylinder should have been replaced many years ago

I own 3 of the same age and don't worry about it - as far as I know pressure tanks with volume (Liter) x pressure (bar) less than 200 do not require testing after factory
Cant remember the exact volume of the Twinmaster but around 50cc, so 0.050 Liter x 200 Bar gives a factor of 10

It's a fun revolver and a great trainer for double action shooting
Velocity a little low at around 360 fps with JSB exact, I flipped a couple of disc's in the reg and now the JSB exacts goes 469 fps and the RS 508 fps

When removing the mag, tilt the gun to the left, pull the trigger slightly and the mag drops right out in your palm

There is a dry fire option with the mag lever in middle position

I have lots of picture of the internals (will find and post later), basically the same as a S&W PB, I was so impressed by the design and finish that I had to buy 2 more after the first impression
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I own 3 of the same age and don't worry about it - as far as I know pressure tanks with volume (Liter) x pressure (bar) less than 200 do not require testing after factory
Cant remember the exact volume of the Twinmaster but around 50cc, so 0.050 Liter x 200 Bar gives a factor of 10

It's a fun revolver and a great trainer for double action shooting
Velocity a little low at around 360 fps with JSB exact, I flipped a couple of disc's in the reg and now the JSB exacts goes 469 fps and the RS 508 fps

When removing the mag, tilt the gun to the left, pull the trigger slightly and the mag drops right out in your palm

There is a dry fire option with the mag lever in middle position

I have lots of picture of the internals (will find and post later), basically the same as a S&W PB, I was so impressed by the design and finish that I had to buy 2 more after the first impression
Thanks, that was interesting info! I will fill the cylinder slightly when the fill probe from Best Fittings turns in. It’s on its way.
The correct fill probe came in earlier today, and I filled the Twinmaster to about 175 bar. After running 4 mags through it, I am very satisfied. The pistol works flawlessly, and cycles the magazines perfectly. And the precision seems to be good to. The single and double action choices are very appreciated. Suddenly I feel good about this buy. 😎
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I have lots of picture of the internals (will find and post later), basically the same as a S&W PB, I was so impressed by the design and finish that I had to buy 2 more after the first impression

Pictures from takedown, a paper clip is your friend

twinmaster dismantle 1.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 2.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 3.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 4.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 5.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 6.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 7.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 8.JPG

The action in single action

twinmaster dismantle 9.JPG
twinmaster dismantle 10.JPG

Dry fire notch

twinmaster dryfire notch.JPG


twinmaster reg 1.JPG
twinmaster reg 2.JPG

My notes

twinmaster reg 3.JPG

Fill probes

Rohm Twinmaster Fill Adaptor.JPG

Original fill probe modified for foster coupling

twinmaster fill probe mod.JPG

Screenshot of mods I picked up from another site

twinmaster reg mod 1.JPG

twinmaster reg mod 2.JPG

My memory was wrong, did not flip one of the belleville washers but replaced one with a thicker one, also removed a small amount of material from the valve housing face, this allows the valve stem to go deeper for added air flow

twinmaster valve face cut.JPG

twinmaster reg 1.JPG