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ROT 2023 Results

Thanks for the video. Someone hacked my YT account and made some snarky comments about a couple of the shooters. I will find the perpetrator and reward punish him.

You REALLY expect us to believe anyone in Texas airgunning circles capable of snarky comments👼, SasScott? PLEASE!

Must'a been one-a them Okie types. That's a rough bunch'a characters👹🧌; outlaws ALL!
You REALLY expect us to believe anyone in Texas airgunning circles capable of snarky comments👼, SasScott? PLEASE!

Must'a been one-a them Okie types. That's a rough bunch'a characters👹🧌; outlaws ALL!
On an unrelated note: remember last month when I hosted a match in the rain and I was so kind and gracious about the miserable conditions? You've got a few days to figure out how to be kind and gracious. I recommend staying off the internet this week, not the place to learn those things.