Rough Cocking / Spring Making a Lot of Noise Cocking Beeman

I have a Beeman R10 and it has always cocked slightly roughly where you could hear and feel the spring compressing. Lately this seems to be getting worse or at least so it seems. There is a lot of "crunching / creaking" that can be heard and felt while cocking. It also seems that the final stage of the cocking process where the piston is held back by engagement with the sear is also somewhat rough and gritty.

Any ideas on what this may be or if it is something to be concerned about?

FWIW I did recently fire some cleaning pellets down the bore. I dont use these too much and I loaded three of them. When firing it was pretty loud and sounded like the three pellets did not give sufficient resistance.

Other than the rough cocking the gun seems to be shooting okay.

Sorry - you said R10. That is a break barrel. Maybe a broken spring.
I also own a Beeman R10.
I think bdzjlz is right.
Broken spring would be my guess. Those cleaning pellets can sometimes cause more trouble than they are worth.
look on the bright side. Now you get to open up and service the R10 (maybe get a tune kit and service the trigger...sounds like something got into the trigger assembly) and find out what the real problem is and permanently solve the rough cocking issues.

As I remember, when you take the action off the stock, you should be able to partially inspect the main spring through the cocking slot. You might be able to get a glimpse of the broken spring (probably towards the bottom of the spring guide)
Never , , NEVER use cleaning pellets. Guaranteed to cause internal failure. Lead in break barrels does not clog like a copper shielded bullet. Brass brush and some solvent if you need to. YES BRASS…THE BARRELS ARE MUCH HARDER THAN BRASS and will not be damaged. That being said a good cotton swab and some solvent works wonders

chances are , broken spring, at the rear about two coils up..
Pull it apart and see... No point grinding away making whatever it is worse worrying about it .

Like here just pulling the stock you can see the broke spring , but with a compressor and a few hand tools total disassembly is a few minutes to inspect it all.. you may just find a good cleanup and fresh prooer moly relube is sll you need in a older gun.. ( maybe a new piston seal for good measure wile your there)
