My man Rowdy, an Australian Shepard treed a wild cat yesterday around 11:30. I thought he was goofing off but his attitude was just like when he trees a coon. He was going nuts'O around the same spruce tree where he had a big coon about a month ago. I walked over to see what he had going and to my surprise there was a big feral just about 10 ft up. I first thought to just let it go and do nothing but Rowdy had other plans. He was so jacked up and barking like crazy. Sort of reminded me of Fred Flintstone banging on the door outside at night waking up all the neighbors.

So I got my .30 cal Hatsan and pointed my Lazer at the chest and ripped off a burst of maybe 5 rounds. The big cat fell like a rock but on my neighbors side of the fence, who don't live there. The dang cat ran like a pellet bullet for about 30 yards then dropped. Cats do have 9 lives. Rowdy was ticked he couldn't rip it apart but it's a good thing because these critters are mean and can be full of diseases. They also are hell on wild life like birds and grouse.

One less on earth thanks to my buddy.

There's a lot of these feral here for some reason and I've live trapped many but this is my first tree kill
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Our county animal control no longer responds to requests for feral feline removal. Was told by them basically the 3Ss. Even the neighbors are on board with it, even if they won't do it themselves.
Don't get me wrong, I really do like cats and hate that it has to be done, but they are the worst next to raccoons for spreading diseases across the neighborhood yards endangering actual pets.
It blows to have to explain to a child their pet has to be put down due to contracting whatever is floating around at the time.
Seems alot of people would rather think with their emotions than their heads.
we have some around here that cause grief but i was told it was illeagal to put them down?
Only illegal if you get caught.
Depends on just how much do you want them gone.
I love my little fur balls but they don’t belong in the natural environment.
My man Rowdy, an Australian Shepard treed a wild cat yesterday around 11:30. I thought he was goofing off but his attitude was just like when he trees a coon. He was going nuts'O around the same spruce tree where he had a big coon about a month ago. I walked over to see what he had going and to my surprise there was a big feral just about 10 ft up. I first thought to just let it go and do nothing but Rowdy had other plans. He was so jacked up and barking like crazy. Sort of reminded me of Fred Flintstone banging on the door outside at night waking up all the neighbors.

So I got my .30 cal Hatsan and pointed my Lazer at the chest and ripped off a burst of maybe 5 rounds. The big cat fell like a rock but on my neighbors side of the fence, who don't live there. The dang cat ran like a pellet bullet for about 30 yards then dropped. Cats do have 9 lives. Rowdy was ticked he couldn't rip it apart but it's a good thing because these critters are mean and can be full of diseases. They also are hell on wild life like birds and grouse.

One less on earth thanks to my buddy.

There's a lot of these feral here for some reason and I've live trapped many but this is my first tree kill
In my area the idiots feed them. Every damn 7-11 has bowls of food outside it (usually with a feather hung over the bowl to draw their attention). Every trash dump has food and shelter placed out for them. NOBODY actually does anything to keep them healthy or to minimize the damage to local wild life. People if you are going to keep a cat around by feeding it, you REALLY should make sure it is spayed and has it's shots.
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Feral cats are nasty. A friend of mine counted 13 on her property, that had been eye balling her small dog. My buddy and I spent a couple weekends baiting them with wet cat food and our .25 Taipans. Even with head shots, those critters die hard.
Story time: lt is 1980 and I've just been reassigned to the GAFB as an instructor. We move into a little rent house in town. The house has a cinder block foundation and there is a tiny little access hole you can crawl through. It also has one of those old oil floor furnaces. We come home one afternoon and the house smells like cat urine. I crawl under the house and have a look around, yup there is a cat living here! But there is no cat. Days pass, smell gets worse, the only access is that little crawl through. So I hang a snare and bait and take up a stand in the truck with my 10/22. This is in the middle of town mind you. Cat comes and takes the hot dog, get caught, and positively destroys the copper wire I've made the snare from and runs back under the house. So time for a bigger wire. Next time around cat sticks his head out goes for the dog and I put one in the top of his head, he still gets caught in the snare, destroys the wire and runs back under the house! I'm like, "Holy $hit! THAT is a BIG cat. NOW I have to go under the house with it." Thank God about that time the cat comes out from under the house making about 327 mph across the yard. No chance to shoot safely. He piles up about a hundred yards down the alley way. That cat was a MANX/Bobcat paring I guess or may be a straight up Bobcat, I dunno. From the tip of his stubby little tail to the tip of his nose he covered about 2 feet on the tail gate of my truck. He weighed easily 20 pounds... I am SURE glad I did not have to go after him under that house.
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My only objection to your actions was your decision to post it. Cancel the news crew interview, take down the banner in your front yard and stop handing out cigars to the neighbors. (Just kidding ) have a great day.
Truth is we need to talk about these things so that those who may otherwise never be exposed to the reality that feral and invasive species represent might learn something. We in the first world are so far removed from nature that it is difficult to appreciate animal husbandry and the role that pesting, hunting, and trapping plays in keeping balances which once were handled by mother nature herself.
we have some around here that cause grief but i was told it was illeagal to put them down?
Talk to an animal control officer and see what they say. I had a neighbor that would let his cat our to roam the neighborhood. I called animal control over 2 dozen times after I trapped the cat. Found the cat under my deck, moments after it attacked my 2 year old son at the time. Needless to say the cat didn't return home.

Animal control eve commented about cats jumping a fence and getting ripped apart by large dogs. It happens she smiled and walked away. After 15 times or so of interacting with th officer she was well aware of what happened and didn't say a thing.

Get to know the animal control may just surprise you.