Royal Purple Ice Advice

Ok. I read the instruction manual that came with my Tuxing model TXED012 Twin. It states to use the Royal Purple oil : Synfilm Recip , 100 stock # 01513.
Ok so when I did my homework I had already bought this oil before my compressor arrived then found the instruction manual suggestion to use this oil. As I was chatting with my AI I mentioned the distilled water I had purchased (Thanks guys) for my twin cylinder Compressor. So the AI made a suggestion to use Royal Purple Purple Ice. This is an additive for the distilled water , and can also be used with already existing anti freeze solutions.
What is does
#1. Improves heat transfer.
#2. Lowers operating temperatures.
#3. Reduces heat spots.
#4. Prevents corrosion, and scale buildup.
#5. Lubricates the cooling system.
#6.Helps prevent algae growth as Purple ice has anti-microbial properties that helps stop algae , and bacteria from growing in the cooling system.
#7. Reduces stagnation issues.
I'm not concerned with freezing where I live , so this cooling system will just have a mixture of distilled water , and Purple Ice. The mixture ratio is 4 ounces per gallon , and my system uses 10 gallons of distilled water , and the Purple Ice comes in 12 oz bottles , so I will have to use 40 ounces. The extra 8 ounces will be mixed with 2 gallons of distilled water to compensate for evaporation as it occurs. I ordered the 4 12 oz bottles from Amazon.They will be here on the 24 th. The oil pic.

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