RTI RTI Mora issue

The Mora is easily more accurate than my impact and Panthera. The issue at first was the speed would drop and after filling the speed stayed the same and continued to drop. I took the regulator out and cleaned it. The big issue now is the gun will not pressurize and the gun reads zero on the reg. I set the regulator to max pressure and same issue. Any ideas? I also set the first stage reg higher and same issue.
The Mora is easily more accurate than my impact and Panthera. The issue at first was the speed would drop and after filling the speed stayed the same and continued to drop. I took the regulator out and cleaned it. The big issue now is the gun will not pressurize and the gun reads zero on the reg. I set the regulator to max pressure and same issue. Any ideas? I also set the first stage reg higher and same issue.
Ask Rok at RTI.
The Mora is easily more accurate than my impact and Panthera. The issue at first was the speed would drop and after filling the speed stayed the same and continued to drop. I took the regulator out and cleaned it. The big issue now is the gun will not pressurize and the gun reads zero on the reg. I set the regulator to max pressure and same issue. Any ideas? I also set the first stage reg higher and same issue.
I think we received your email but havent yet replied to it!
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No leaks. I literally fill the gun and zero reads on the regulator. Not even a tiny bit of air comes out when I shoot. It is like the stage two regulator is blocking something. I literally just took the stage two regulator out and cleaned it and the gun is getting zero air. I’m starting to think maybe the air transfer tube got miss aligned when the gun got degassed at this point
It’s difficult to know what is going on. I’d guess something has a bit of dirt or water somewhere. May I suggest that you try draining your air. Then clean the regulator, also silicone grease the bevel washers before assembly. Set the regulator in the low pressure side. Then refill the air slowly while you watch the gauges. Hopefully you will see the tank gauge fill up full and the regulator stop somewhere in the 70-100 bar area.
From there walk your tune back in.
Pm me if you need any help. I’ll be happy to take my mora apart to help you out.
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Sounds super good on the accuracy side of the Mora, Just wonder if your getting what you paid for, RTI has a bad habit of switching barrels,
RTI did that on my RTI P #2 , I kept asking why the big price increase from P1 to P2 and was told the new barrels were the reason and the new valve,
Got the valve but they switched barrels on me... Thats why all my guns will be bought in the USA, Just easier to send back..
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Sounds super good on the accuracy side of the Mora, Just wonder if your getting what you paid for, RTI has a bad habit of switching barrels,
RTI did that on my RTI P #2 , I kept asking why the big price increase from P1 to P2 and was told the new barrels were the reason and the new valve,
Got the valve but they switched barrels on me... Thats why all my guns will be bought in the USA, Just easier to send back..
Can you elaborate of what you mean with switching barrels? We started with CZ back in 2016 which we soon changed to LW which we still use today (I can go in depth with this). Old barrels are still compatible with the P-3.

In terms of pricing; MSRP for Prophet Performance in 2021 was 1600 EUR. Today, P-3, MSRP is 1799 EUR. P-3 is far ahead and more expensive for us to make than the original Prophet.
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The Mora have a balanced valve, and i an willing to bet when you try to fill it leak thru the barrel.

if so, try and chamber a slug, and then fill it
Please do not do this... Do not load a projectile while filling. You should cock it, but don't load a projectile...
Please do not do this... Do not load a projectile while filling. You should cock it, but don't load a projectile...
That is what helped me having a leak thru barrel when filling issue, granted on my Epic Airguns Two, and it is the suggestion i got from them when i asked.

I tried to cock rifle too, CUZ that is also what í have done / must do with my FX Maverick when it have been completely degassed.

I also tried opening regulator ( CUZ i am shooting a 700 mm barrel 4.5 mm rifle so REG pressure not super high, often the lowest 56 BAR i can set it to in order to be able to shoot lighter 10 grain pellets at not too fast speeds )

I had this issue for a while, first the valve would shut and the rifle then fill just fine, just had to waste some air for a few seconds before it was able to help valve close.
I also tried several valves CUZ i have spare of those for the Two, but that did not help.

Also just had a problem where the valve will start to leak after a few shots, or appear to be fine holding air for days before range session then shoot a little, and get home and in 1 day all pressure was gone, that also resolved itself in some to me unknown way.

Of course when i did do that, i did de cock the hammer before filling, so little chance of chambered slug getting discharged, well at least fast like in a shot, if the leak was permanent the pressure would of course slowly build and press the slug out the barrel, but i assume this would be none lethal.
I was not worried about making holes in my apartment.

PS: this filling issue also resolved itself again, how i have no idea.

ATM i have a love / hate relationship with balanced / assisted valves,,,,,, my Two though shoot very very nice and i would not be without it.
Also fairly confident if i get a new bulpup rifle to replace maverick it will be RTI Mora,,,,,, especially if RTI can do something good with the 4.5 mm barrels
Sounds super good on the accuracy side of the Mora, Just wonder if your getting what you paid for, RTI has a bad habit of switching barrels,
RTI did that on my RTI P #2 , I kept asking why the big price increase from P1 to P2 and was told the new barrels were the reason and the new valve,
Got the valve but they switched barrels on me... Thats why all my guns will be bought in the USA, Just easier to send back..
I’m guessing you bought from RTI Arms Shop?
I guess I bought from the RTI arms shop not sure, I was just told the price increase was because the new barrels , Was it RPB. Not sure of the name , But I saw them with hogged out ports , I for got the riffling but I think it was different than the other reg, LW barrel, I know the ports were huge, IF and I say IF I would have bouthet in the USA the gun would have been sent back the 1st week, It did not have the new barrel , They did the ole switch on me,,,
Yeah, RTI Arms Shop and RTI Arms EU are two totally separate outfits. Please make sure to differentiate between the two the next time you state your complaints. RTI ARMS EU has been nothing but stellar to deal with and I’m not the only one who has stated that. RTI Arms Shop, completely different story. I feel Your pain as I have had to deal with those people in the past.
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Yes a little confusing , But my simple little fix is I will not buy from anyone not in the USA, I learned a very good lesion,
Yes, I agree. It is confusing. Retailer from Spain is Wolfiek Group. They sell higher end PCP airguns. I cannot comment how they do business since I do not know. I can say that MSRPS and dealer prices have been quite stable in our opinion. Just to make it clear, as of now, we do not have any web shop.

That is what helped me having a leak thru barrel when filling issue, granted on my Epic Airguns Two, and it is the suggestion i got from them when i asked.

I tried to cock rifle too, CUZ that is also what í have done / must do with my FX Maverick when it have been completely degassed.

I also tried opening regulator ( CUZ i am shooting a 700 mm barrel 4.5 mm rifle so REG pressure not super high, often the lowest 56 BAR i can set it to in order to be able to shoot lighter 10 grain pellets at not too fast speeds )

I had this issue for a while, first the valve would shut and the rifle then fill just fine, just had to waste some air for a few seconds before it was able to help valve close.
I also tried several valves CUZ i have spare of those for the Two, but that did not help.

Also just had a problem where the valve will start to leak after a few shots, or appear to be fine holding air for days before range session then shoot a little, and get home and in 1 day all pressure was gone, that also resolved itself in some to me unknown way.

Of course when i did do that, i did de cock the hammer before filling, so little chance of chambered slug getting discharged, well at least fast like in a shot, if the leak was permanent the pressure would of course slowly build and press the slug out the barrel, but i assume this would be none lethal.
I was not worried about making holes in my apartment.

PS: this filling issue also resolved itself again, how i have no idea.

ATM i have a love / hate relationship with balanced / assisted valves,,,,,, my Two though shoot very very nice and i would not be without it.
Also fairly confident if i get a new bulpup rifle to replace maverick it will be RTI Mora,,,,,, especially if RTI can do something good with the 4.5 mm barrels
It actually makes sense that they sugested that. Same principal applies with our valve ever since Prophet II. Skout is using same principal in terms how they close the valve. Back pressure from the barrel helps close it. If there is no obstruction in the barrel (ie. projectile), pressure buildup might not be enough to help the valve.

We have never suggested this method, but if you try it, just make sure you do it safely.

And few words about the balanced valve - well you are right. Like all things, it also comes with the downsides...