RTI RTI Mora issue

Wolfiek Group seem to be OK people, it is via them i got my Two
And they been very helpful with this issues i have had.

Issue #1 a LW barrel with a big choke in the middle of it ( supposed to have no choke ) exchanged to CZ barrel by Epic i took direct contact to but wolfeik was also responsive and fast as the seller which i of course also notified.

Issue #2 suddenly leaking valve when shooting ( some times fixing itself some times not ) here i have seen wear on some valve parts and also crushed O-rings ( a O-ring that i think is a bump stop and not really a sealing one )
Both also very helpful again and problem also fixed, though i am not really sure what the problem was, i have shot a lot since i got the Two in late April, about 2000 shots a week.

I hear RTI have good service too, this is good CUZ it is the only place companies can make a difference today, not least competing against bigger brands.
Service is also important though i always hope to never need it of course.

Regarding Mora i like you can access valve return from outside unlike Two, though i also feel having played a little with it, that at least with a 700 mm 4.5 mm barrel there is nothing good to come after there, but i have seen videos of SUB12 UK people gaining shot count by adjusting this on a 4.5 mm compact version

Shot count are nothing to me as i shoot tethered at the bench, accuracy is everything to me, look / functionality is secondary to me
It do annoy me pretty much all air rifles have no option for a forward bipod placement from the factory, i do not like bipod right in front of trigger guard.
Update on the Mora. I got my new seat/ lower portion of the regulator with piston from TalonTunes facilitated by Rok. I installed the new part and the same issue with the gun still not getting air. I was frustrated I could not figure out the problem. I started taking the front portion that leads to the air transfer tube off and noticed air came out so I figured the problem was toward the rear of the gun because air went past the regulator. I took the valve out and added a bit of lube. I also noticed the air transfer tube has a bit of play so I pulled on the air transfer tube so it was closer to the rear of the gun. I aired up the gun and now it finally is able to pressurize and shoot again. The issue was either the transfer tube was blocking the air passage or the valve was not allowing the air in. If anyone has the same issue, the air transfer tube shifted or a valve issue. My entire issue started after I emptied all the air out of my gun. TalonTune/ Tony and Rok were quick to send a new part after I told them the issue.
Update on the Mora. I got my new seat/ lower portion of the regulator with piston from TalonTunes facilitated by Rok. I installed the new part and the same issue with the gun still not getting air. I was frustrated I could not figure out the problem. I started taking the front portion that leads to the air transfer tube off and noticed air came out so I figured the problem was toward the rear of the gun because air went past the regulator. I took the valve out and added a bit of lube. I also noticed the air transfer tube has a bit of play so I pulled on the air transfer tube so it was closer to the rear of the gun. I aired up the gun and now it finally is able to pressurize and shoot again. The issue was either the transfer tube was blocking the air passage or the valve was not allowing the air in. If anyone has the same issue, the air transfer tube shifted or a valve issue. My entire issue started after I emptied all the air out of my gun. TalonTune/ Tony and Rok were quick to send a new part after I told them the issue.
The connecting pipe should not be the issue, it should pass air thru in any position allowed by the assembly. I hope it stays filled...
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Wolfiek Group seem to be OK people, it is via them i got my Two
And they been very helpful with this issues i have had.

Issue #1 a LW barrel with a big choke in the middle of it ( supposed to have no choke ) exchanged to CZ barrel by Epic i took direct contact to but wolfeik was also responsive and fast as the seller which i of course also notified.

Issue #2 suddenly leaking valve when shooting ( some times fixing itself some times not ) here i have seen wear on some valve parts and also crushed O-rings ( a O-ring that i think is a bump stop and not really a sealing one )
Both also very helpful again and problem also fixed, though i am not really sure what the problem was, i have shot a lot since i got the Two in late April, about 2000 shots a week.

I hear RTI have good service too, this is good CUZ it is the only place companies can make a difference today, not least competing against bigger brands.
Service is also important though i always hope to never need it of course.

Regarding Mora i like you can access valve return from outside unlike Two, though i also feel having played a little with it, that at least with a 700 mm 4.5 mm barrel there is nothing good to come after there, but i have seen videos of SUB12 UK people gaining shot count by adjusting this on a 4.5 mm compact version

Shot count are nothing to me as i shoot tethered at the bench, accuracy is everything to me, look / functionality is secondary to me
It do annoy me pretty much all air rifles have no option for a forward bipod placement from the factory, i do not like bipod right in front of trigger guard.
You got to watch the Wolfiek Group and there barrels , Its the main reason I will not buy out side of the USA, They did a barrel swap on me with my Prophet #2 , Its almost impossible to send a air gun back to Spain,
You got to watch the Wolfiek Group and there barrels , Its the main reason I will not buy out side of the USA, They did a barrel swap on me with my Prophet #2 , Its almost impossible to send a air gun back to Spain,
Yea just try and get any warrenty work from over seas ,,, Good luck guys ,
Hopefully a maintenance video will come out with disassembly and assembly to prevent user error. This thing is finally tuned for 33gr slugs at 1000fps and I’m getting 1 moa groups at 126 yards. I really like how it stays continuously accurate even for sitting till the next day.
That fact will sell this gun above any other feature. Nothing is more important than session to session consistency.
I am waiting for the Bull pup Mora, and A USA dealer I can trust, You buy out side of the USA like Wolfiek and your stuck with what they send you..
That group way be good over seas , But they suck in the USA, I spend big bucks on a Prophet II with the new barrel, They sent me a Prophet with the OLD barrel , When ask why they said supply was short, But you can order the new barrel for 600 dollars , WOW!!!!!! Thats not what I bought ,,, Just try sending it back to Spain, LOL.
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Wolfiek Group seem to be OK people, it is via them i got my Two
And they been very helpful with this issues i have had.

Issue #1 a LW barrel with a big choke in the middle of it ( supposed to have no choke ) exchanged to CZ barrel by Epic i took direct contact to but wolfeik was also responsive and fast as the seller which i of course also notified.

Issue #2 suddenly leaking valve when shooting ( some times fixing itself some times not ) here i have seen wear on some valve parts and also crushed O-rings ( a O-ring that i think is a bump stop and not really a sealing one )
Both also very helpful again and problem also fixed, though i am not really sure what the problem was, i have shot a lot since i got the Two in late April, about 2000 shots a week.

I hear RTI have good service too, this is good CUZ it is the only place companies can make a difference today, not least competing against bigger brands.
Service is also important though i always hope to never need it of course.

Regarding Mora i like you can access valve return from outside unlike Two, though i also feel having played a little with it, that at least with a 700 mm 4.5 mm barrel there is nothing good to come after there, but i have seen videos of SUB12 UK people gaining shot count by adjusting this on a 4.5 mm compact version

Shot count are nothing to me as i shoot tethered at the bench, accuracy is everything to me, look / functionality is secondary to me
It do annoy me pretty much all air rifles have no option for a forward bipod placement from the factory, i do not like bipod right in front of trigger guard.
Peashooter You must be pretty close to the wolfiek group,
My prophet #1 was about 1,500 $ when the prophet II came out it was like 2000 $$$$ I ask why, New valve and barrel I was told, So I order one well they sent me one with the new valve , But stuck in the old barrel, When I ask why Wolfiek said our suppy ran out but we can sell you one for 600 $$$$,,,,
Yep I am one of the stupid USA people that tried to buy over there ..............
There is the entire Europa between me and Wolfeik. they are South i am North
My Issues with the epic Two i took strait to the maker, knowing that wolfeik probably not able to do much.

It was A LOT faster then when my local FX guy replaced the cocking handle on my Maverick, that took over 3 months, and we are like a 1.5 hour drive apart.

Shipping in / out of Denmark = astronomical prices.
Having to send anything back, to anywhere, probably 3-4 X the cost, then again we also pay 7 USD for a gallon of gasoline, most of that of course tax
Peashooter You must be pretty close to the wolfiek group,
My prophet #1 was about 1,500 $ when the prophet II came out it was like 2000 $$$$ I ask why, New valve and barrel I was told, So I order one well they sent me one with the new valve , But stuck in the old barrel, When I ask why Wolfiek said our suppy ran out but we can sell you one for 600 $$$$,,,,
Yep I am one of the stupid USA people that tried to buy over there ..............
Wolfiek group is actually Argentine, so you are probably closer to head office than us European guys.
Been let down a couple of times by the European wolfiek group. Never again.

Fortunately direct contact with the manufacturer sorted all issues.

Life and learning.
Hopefully a maintenance video will come out with disassembly and assembly to prevent user error. This thing is finally tuned for 33gr slugs at 1000fps and I’m getting 1 moa groups at 126 yards. I really like how it stays continuously accurate even for sitting till the next day.
I'm working on a video series. It's not going to be high on the video production level but the info will be there. youtube channel "Dyno Gunner"
Don’t notice anything damaged, also don’t really know what I’m looking for. It is dirty because I took it out about twenty times now trying to figure out what is wrong.

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I think I would ask for a new regulator, or buy a new one. Hate to incur more expense, but if that solves it it solves and, and then you now have spare parts. Regulators can be super finnicky man. That is an extreme amount of pressure on very small parts and miniscule defects will cause massive malfunction. Justy opinion bud, hope for the best for you and the rifle.